How to submit signed drivers to Microsoft

Hello. Our company is a developer of hardware. We have recently had some device driver code updated for which the WHQL tests have been applied and we have passed and received the HLKX files. We have purchased the EV Code signing certificate (Sectigo) and signed all files that needed to be signed. Wasted most of today in attempting to login into the Microsoft portal to submit the signed files. Apparently the WINQUAL account we have used years ago has been deprecated? We created a new Microsoft account but now need to share our DNA with outside parties to be vetted onto the Microsoft portal to submit the files? So far, unable to find an email to ask for help @ Microsoft. Hope someone can shed a few pointers to get us going. Thanks in advance.

You need a partner center account. This is all pretty well documented:

Thanks Peter. We have been submitting signed drivers through the Microsoft portal for years but something has changed. In a feeble attempt to create yet a fresh account to submit the drivers, appears we need to go through the vetting process again. Will attempt to contact Microsoft tomorrow to get some answers. At this time, believe that we are in a waiting cycle for Microsoft to validate our (new) account. TBD.

FWIW, there have been many, many, complaints here over the past six months or so from people who’ve had trouble getting signed-up for the portal.

Also, the portal is buggy and is known to randomly hang on submissions.

I have no inside information on this, but I get the sneaking suspicion that Attestation Signing is not long for this world.

I really hope that is not true. My drivers have such a small user base it's really hard for me to justify the overhead of WHQL testing.

No current plans to change anything. imo requiring extensive testing for a non-mass market driver is a disproportionate amount of overhead.

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