I am also very concerned about the new signing requirements and will not be
accepting any new commissions for Microsoft driver work until the following
critical information is available:-
- Will EV code signing certificates be made available to small businesses
without a US presence?
- What will be the acceptance criteria for Microsoft to sign a driver?
- What will be the turnaround time for Microsoft to sign a driver?
- What will be the validity period of a Microsoft signed third party
For the last 17 years, my company has been writing specialist drivers for
ISM users, not consumers. The drivers and hardware are highly specialised
and do not fit into any standard API. Additionally, a significant amount of
customisation is often required for an individual client; which results in a
relatively high number of driver signing events, given the number of devices
in the field.
I do not believe that EV code signing certificates are currently widely
deployed. Whilst searching for further information, all the available EV
certificate requirements documentation referred to EV SSL certificates. At
this point, I can only assume that the EV code signing certificate
application process will be similar to that for an EV SSL certificate.
I sympathise with Tobias: when the 64 bit code signing requirement was
introduced, it took months to obtain the appropriate certificate. The CA’s
systems were only setup for US companies and kept demanding information
which was both inapplicable and unavailable to a UK Limited company.
Best regards
Christopher L Read CEng MIEE SMIEEE
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 March 2015 17:09
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Extended Validation for professional individuals
Hi everyone,
here we go again…
…I’m kind of worried to find myself in a situation like in the early days
“normal” code-signing for Vista x64 when individuals were not able to
obtain the code-signing certificates…
Anyone have any ideas yet if this will work out better this time?
Best regards,
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