ZwQueryKey() with KeyFullInformation: What is the Class field?


So, I am using ZwQueryKey() with KeyFullInformation to get information about registry keys. I cannot find an explanation for the “Class” field in the data that is returned. I’ve searched around in the registry, and have not found an example where this field contained any information and the ClassLength is always zero. Is this field a reminant for supporting old pre-Win2k registries? Will it ever contain anything? I would appreciate your help with learning more about this field…

Thank you!


Unused from day 1 as far as I know


dent from a phine with no keynoard

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 3:20 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] ZwQueryKey() with KeyFullInformation: What is the Class field?


So, I am using ZwQueryKey() with KeyFullInformation to get information about registry keys. I cannot find an explanation for the “Class” field in the data that is returned. I’ve searched around in the registry, and have not found an example where this field contained any information and the ClassLength is always zero. Is this field a reminant for supporting old pre-Win2k registries? Will it ever contain anything? I would appreciate your help with learning more about this field…

Thank you!


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Thank you for your response, Doron! Based on the dearth of information about it, I think that you are dead right! So… “Class” is off our list of information to preserve for a registry key. :slight_smile: