ZwOpenThreadToken question

This is probably and old question.
I’m trying to use the ZwOpenThreadToken and ZwOpenProcessToken, but during the compile, I’m getting “undefined” error.
Where can I get these functions?

I’m using these to get the SID i the IRP_SET_INFORMATION.


Try ZwOpenThreadTokenEx/ZwOpenProcessTokenEx.


Thanks mm. That worked.

By the way is this the correct statement that using ZwOpenProcessTokenEx and ZwOpenThreadTokenEx in the IRP_SET_SECURITY should give me the correct SID, because this IRP runs in the same thread context as caller?


I would prefer to use SeCaptureSubjectContext as it deals with impersonation in the correct ways for you.

  • S

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:26
To: Windows File Systems Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntfsd] ZwOpenThreadToken question

Thanks mm. That worked.

By the way is this the correct statement that using ZwOpenProcessTokenEx and ZwOpenThreadTokenEx in the IRP_SET_SECURITY should give me the correct SID, because this IRP runs in the same thread context as caller?


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