ZwEnumerateKey returns 0x808b8400

ZwEnumerateKey returns 0x808b8400 as return value. This NTSTATUS is not defined in ntstatus.h

What might be the reason for the above problem?

Thx in advance,
Anupam Godbole

Are you sure that’s really the return value and you aren’t looking in the
wrong place/register (or at the wrong time)?

Ken Johnson (Skywing)
Windows SDK MVP
wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> ZwEnumerateKey returns 0x808b8400 as return value. This NTSTATUS is not
> defined in ntstatus.h
> What might be the reason for the above problem?
> Thx in advance,
> Anupam Godbole

I agree. 808b8400 looks like a stack location, or kernel pool memory. Anupam, how are you examining the value? Are you looking at it using KD/WinDbg? If so, what command? If you use “? status” or “dd status”, you’ll see the address of the value, not the value. Use “dv” to dump all local variables, or use “?? status” (which uses the C++ expression evaluator, not the ASM expression evaluator).

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Skywing
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:28 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] ZwEnumerateKey returns 0x808b8400

Are you sure that’s really the return value and you aren’t looking in the wrong place/register (or at the wrong time)?

Ken Johnson (Skywing)
Windows SDK MVP
wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> ZwEnumerateKey returns 0x808b8400 as return value. This NTSTATUS is
> not defined in ntstatus.h
> What might be the reason for the above problem?
> Thx in advance,
> Anupam Godbole

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