WsKConnect is Failing with error 0xC00000B5 (STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT) for ipv6 address.

I am trying to set up TCP-IP connection with IPV6 address but WskConnect is failing with 0xC00000B5. Has anyone encountered such an error or any guesses what could be reason behind the failure?
I am using following apis:
RtlIpv6StringToAddress - successfully gets the ipv6 address.
WskSocket - create the socket
WskBind - successful
WskConnect - Fails.

Similar calls for IPV4 address is successful.


You might carefully examine the IPv6 string. I would suspect that it is

I would test the IPv6 address using a system tool like ping -6 address>

Good luck.

Thomas F. Divine

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:07 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] WsKConnect is Failing with error 0xC00000B5
(STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT) for ipv6 address.

I am trying to set up TCP-IP connection with IPV6 address but WskConnect is
failing with 0xC00000B5. Has anyone encountered such an error or any guesses
what could be reason behind the failure?
I am using following apis:
RtlIpv6StringToAddress - successfully gets the ipv6 address.
WskSocket - create the socket
WskBind - successful
WskConnect - Fails.

Similar calls for IPV4 address is successful.


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Hi Thomas,

I have checked wireshark logs and it seems client is sending SYN packet to server so I don’t see anything wrong with the address string. I am able to ping client ipv6 address from server & vice versa.

In wireshark logs I see:

  1. Client sends SYN packet to server ipv6 address.
  2. Server reponds with SYN +ACK packet to client. (Looks like client did not get this packet as it sends SYN packet again to server)
  3. Client sends SYN packet again to server. (TCP spurious retransmission as listed in wireshark logs).
  4. Server reponds with SYN +ACK packet to client.
    5.Client sends SYN packet again to server. (TCP spurious retransmission as listed in wireshark logs).
  5. Server resonds with RST.

I am not sure why client is not getting server’s SYN + ACK packet. Any idea?

Also, do we need to set ipv6 scope id? I am not setting it currently. scope id and flow info is initialized with 0.

Is there way we can increase socket time out?


Hi Ruby,
Have you found the reason for the error?