wpp trace output in kernel debug or debugview

My drivers can output wpp msgs to traceview. Is there a document on what it takes to view the msgs in windbg or DebugView?

m navab

xxxxx@yahoo.com wrote:

My drivers can output wpp msgs to traceview. Is there a document on what it takes to view the msgs in windbg or DebugView?

m navab

Yes, and this document is your windbg help file.
Read on !wmitrace extensions.

– pa

Thansk Pavel:

The following worked for me

.sympath+ path
!wmitrace.searchpath path
!wmitrace.enable name guid
!wmitrace.START name -kd

However, I still have to run a session of the traceview on the target, and I have to set WINDBG option to TRUE. I recall there is an option to specify boot drivers, so that you don’t have to run the GUI on the target. Does that make sense to you?

m navab

Instead of traceview, you can also start the target session with tracelog.exe, using the -kd switch.
You can also consume your events directly from the session buffers, using !wmitrace.logdump.

If you want to trace during the boot process, you can enable your driver’s provider, to the AutoLogger session: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363687(VS.85).aspx
