WLK 1.6 NDISTest terminates abnormally

I recently started running the latest NDIS test suite that ships with WLK 1.6 to test a virtual NIC driver. I have run the ‘Ethernet - NDISTest 6.5’ tests from within DTM and manually, and run them with a kernel debugger connected. Several of the NDISTest 6.5 die with the following error:

Test terminated abnormally with an Exception NDISTest.NDISTestCore.TestServices.NDISOperationException
88888 Test terminated abnormally with an Exception NDISTest.NDISTestCore.TestServices.NDISOperationException

There is nothing useful in the log files or in the kernel debugger. The above output is from the reset.htm file after passing 21 tests. Packetfilters.htm dies with the identical error after passing 12 tests.

On a related note, there is little if any documentation on the 6.5 test suite. At least the 6.0 tests are similar to the old NDIS HCT, and a brief explanation appears in the client window when each test is running.