Hi,We have a device that works fine under Windows 7 and Windows 8.0 using WinUSB driver. We ran into a problem with Windows 8.1. Win 8.1 does recognize the device. Did Microsoft change something about WinUSB in Win 8.1?
Failure to enumerate/recognize would be an issue with the usb core stack, not winusb. Capture an etw usb trace log and see what is reported
Bent from my phone
From: malanalanmailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?11/?10/?2014 6:46 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] WinUSB: Win 8.0 vs. Win 8.1
We have a device that works fine under Windows 7 and Windows 8.0 using WinUSB driver. We ran into a problem with Windows 8.1. Win 8.1 does recognize the device. Did Microsoft change something about WinUSB in Win 8.1?
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Thanks for the tip! That’s right. Our device would not work with some Dell computers unless it was plugged in to a powered USB hub.
BTW. I noticed the same problem (and same resolution) with some Dell computers and my Galaxy Nexus phone.
On Monday, November 10, 2014 6:58 PM, Doron Holan wrote:
Failure to enumerate/recognize would be an issue with the usb core stack, not winusb. Capture an etw usb trace log and see what is reported
Bent from my phoneFrom:malanalan
Sent:11/10/2014 6:46 PM
To:Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject:[ntdev] WinUSB: Win 8.0 vs. Win 8.1
Hi,We have a device that works fine under Windows 7 and Windows 8.0 using WinUSB driver. We ran into a problem with Windows 8.1. Win 8.1 does recognize the device. Did Microsoft change something about WinUSB in Win 8.1?
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