Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

Hi all,
I am new to the windows device driver and I am trying to install winusb as a function driver using example inf file which i got from

Whenever I am installing the winusb using 1.5 version as well as 1.7 version, its able to install all the files but at the end its telling me code[10] error in the device manager -device is not able to start.

Can you please help me in this regards?

Following is the inf file content

; Adapted from the example INF in the Microsoft document “How to Use WinUSB to Communicate with a USB Device”

Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Class = USB
Provider = %ProviderName%

; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections ===========

%ProviderName% = MyDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_0925&PID_1456

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_0925&PID_1456

; =================== Installation ===================



DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WinUSB.sys

KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install








; ================= Source Media Section =====================

1 = %DISK_NAME%,\i386

2 = %DISK_NAME%,\amd64



; Copy Files section

;************************************************* *****************************
; Destination Directories
DefaultDestDir = 12 ; %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers
_CopyFiles_sys = 12

; =================== Strings ===================

DISK_NAME=“My Install Disk”

And the firmware I am using is the vendor specific USB class.
Please help me.

I am using Windows xp service pack 2 as a operating system to install.

Please developers and experts help me in this regards… since I am not getting any clue for the device not starting…
Please provide me some suggestions so that I can do something about it wrote:

Please developers and experts help me in this regards… since I am not getting any clue for the device not starting…
Please provide me some suggestions so that I can do something about it

It’s only been 5 hours since you asked your question. Be patient. This
is not a paid technical support service.

Did you check the logs in \windows\setupapi.log to see if there was any
interesting information?

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

I agree with Tim’s reply. It’s always helpful to look at \windows\setupapi.log and \windows\setupact.log for failures.

I suggest that you use the inf from and not the one at for a few reasons:

  1. You are using WinUSB, which is a KMDF driver. This means that you need the KMDF and the WinUSB coinstaller (wdfcoinstaller0100x.dll and winusbcoinstaller.dll). However, since you are not writing a UMDF driver (at least in your email you didn’t mention anything about UMDF), you don’t need the UMDF coinstaller (WUDFUpdate_0100x.dll). You can remove all the references to WUDFUpdate_0100x, as well as the line starting with “UmdfServiceOrder”.
  2. The section _CopyFiles_sys and all references to that section should not be there.

From a first glance, these are a few things that don’t fit. I suggest that you start with the inf from the above link and build from there.

Finally, if you use the inf from microsoft’s web site, then you need to have in the same directory: winusbcoinstaller.dll, wdfcoinstaller0100x.dll and the inf.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Tim Roberts
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 12:26 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start wrote:

Please developers and experts help me in this regards… since I am not getting any clue for the device not starting…
Please provide me some suggestions so that I can do something about it

It’s only been 5 hours since you asked your question. Be patient. This
is not a paid technical support service.

Did you check the logs in \windows\setupapi.log to see if there was any
interesting information?

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Thanks Tim and Illias.
and really sorry for not being patience.
According to your suggestions I created the following inf file and tried to install still I got the same error and also I am pasting the setupapi.log, winusb_update.log with this email:
INF File:
Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Class =USB
Provider = %ProviderName%

; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections ===========

%ProviderName% = MyDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

; =================== Installation ===================





DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WinUSB.sys

KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install








; ================= Source Media Section =====================

1 = %DISK_NAME%,\i386
2 = %DISK_NAME%,\amd64



; =================== Strings ===================

DISK_NAME=“My Install Disk”


0.063: 2009/02/16 18:46:51.969 (local)
0.063: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update.exe (version
0.063: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /ER /log:C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log
0.063: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12013, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12045, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.266: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.266: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.266: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.360: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update_XP.inf failed
0.360: CreateUninstall = 0,Directory = C:\WINDOWS$NtUninstallwinusb0100$
0.360: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
0.360: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.360: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.360: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.360: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.360: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.360: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
7.360: SetupOpenInfFile in IsThirdPartyInf Failed with error 0x2
7.375: SetupVerifyInfFile failed with error 0x490 for oem5.inf of device USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E
8.375: OEM file scan used 8015 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 8015 ticks
8.375: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
8.375: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
8.375: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
8.391: AnalyzePhaseSix used 16 ticks
8.391: AnalyzeComponents used 8031 ticks
8.391: Downloading 0 files
8.391: bPatchMode = FALSE
8.391: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 8031 ticks
8.391: Num Ticks for invent : 8031
8.391: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 9810112512 bytes
8.391: Drive C: free 9355MB req: 5MB w/uninstall 0MB
8.391: CabinetBuild complete
8.391: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 0
8.391: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
8.422: FileInUse:: Added to Filelist: c:\windows\
8.532: FileInUse:: PrintTasksUsingModule: No tasks found using c:\windows\
9.547: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
9.594: System Restore Point set.
9.610: Copied file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spmsg2.dll
9.610: PFE2: Not avoiding Per File Exceptions.
9.657: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x80092004
9.657: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
9.844: DoInstallation: Installing assemblies with source root path: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\
9.844: Num Ticks for Copying files : 1453
9.844: Num Ticks for Reg update and deleting 0 size files : 0
9.844: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is empty; nothing to do.
9.844: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 1 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart = 0


[2009/02/16 18:46:59 3168.390 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-198 Command line processed: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [USB_Install] in “c:\windows\inf\oem5.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/16 18:46:24 2552.216]
#-198 Command line processed: “C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe” /s C:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc
#I060 Set selected driver.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#I393 Modified INF cache “C:\WINDOWS\inf\INFCACHE.1”.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#W187 Install failed, attempting to restore original files.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#-024 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET13.tmp”.
#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
#-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET16.tmp”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstallers registered.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Installing section [USB_Install.Interfaces] from “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf”.
#I054 Interfaces installed.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#I163 Device not started: Device has problem: 0x0a: CM_PROB_FAILED_START.
#I121 Device install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E” finished successfully.
[2009/02/16 19:36:02 740.3 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\unknown
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\unknown
#-198 Command line processed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
#I022 Found “USB\UNKNOWN” in C:\WINDOWS\inf\usb.inf; Device: “Unknown Device”; Driver: “Unknown Device”; Provider: “Microsoft”; Mfg: “(Standard USB Host Controller)”; Section name: “BADDEVICE.Dev”.
#I023 Actual install section: [BADDEVICE.Dev.NT]. Rank: 0x00000000. Effective driver date: 07/01/2001.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [BADDEVICE.Dev] in “c:\windows\inf\usb.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
#I058 Selected best compatible driver.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES.
#I124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2”.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstallers registered.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Installing section [BADDEVICE.Dev.NT.Interfaces] from “c:\windows\inf\usb.inf”.
#I054 Interfaces installed.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2”.
#I121 Device install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2” finished successfully.

Thanks and Regards,

Can you also paste the contents of the file %windir%\setupact.log that correspond to an unsuccesful installation? Also, is the OS a 32-bit or a 64-bit version? Finally, you are using the fre and not chk version of the coinstallers, right?


From: [] On Behalf Of []
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 10:23 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

Thanks Tim and Illias.
and really sorry for not being patience.
According to your suggestions I created the following inf file and tried to install still I got the same error and also I am pasting the setupapi.log, winusb_update.log with this email:
INF File:
Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Class =USB
Provider = %ProviderName%

; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections ===========

%ProviderName% = MyDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

; =================== Installation ===================





DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WinUSB.sys

KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install








; ================= Source Media Section =====================

1 = %DISK_NAME%,\i386
2 = %DISK_NAME%,\amd64



; =================== Strings ===================

DISK_NAME=“My Install Disk”


0.063: 2009/02/16 18:46:51.969 (local)
0.063: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update.exe (version
0.063: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /ER /log:C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log
0.063: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12013, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12045, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.266: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.266: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.266: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.360: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update_XP.inf failed
0.360: CreateUninstall = 0,Directory = C:\WINDOWS$NtUninstallwinusb0100$
0.360: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
0.360: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.360: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.360: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.360: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.360: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.360: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
7.360: SetupOpenInfFile in IsThirdPartyInf Failed with error 0x2
7.375: SetupVerifyInfFile failed with error 0x490 for oem5.inf of device USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E
8.375: OEM file scan used 8015 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 8015 ticks
8.375: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
8.375: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
8.375: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
8.391: AnalyzePhaseSix used 16 ticks
8.391: AnalyzeComponents used 8031 ticks
8.391: Downloading 0 files
8.391: bPatchMode = FALSE
8.391: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 8031 ticks
8.391: Num Ticks for invent : 8031
8.391: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 9810112512 bytes
8.391: Drive C: free 9355MB req: 5MB w/uninstall 0MB
8.391: CabinetBuild complete
8.391: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 0
8.391: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
8.422: FileInUse:: Added to Filelist: c:\windows\
8.532: FileInUse:: PrintTasksUsingModule: No tasks found using c:\windows\
9.547: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
9.594: System Restore Point set.
9.610: Copied file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spmsg2.dll
9.610: PFE2: Not avoiding Per File Exceptions.
9.657: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x80092004
9.657: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
9.844: DoInstallation: Installing assemblies with source root path: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\
9.844: Num Ticks for Copying files : 1453
9.844: Num Ticks for Reg update and deleting 0 size files : 0
9.844: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is empty; nothing to do.
9.844: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 1 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart = 0


[2009/02/16 18:46:59 3168.390 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-198 Command line processed: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [USB_Install] in “c:\windows\inf\oem5.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/16 18:46:24 2552.216]
#-198 Command line processed: “C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe” /s C:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc
#I060 Set selected driver.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#I393 Modified INF cache “C:\WINDOWS\inf\INFCACHE.1”.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#W187 Install failed, attempting to restore original files.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#-024 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET13.tmp”.
#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
#-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET16.tmp”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstallers registered.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Installing section [USB_Install.Interfaces] from “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf”.
#I054 Interfaces installed.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#I163 Device not started: Device has problem: 0x0a: CM_PROB_FAILED_START.
#I121 Device install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E” finished successfully.
[2009/02/16 19:36:02 740.3 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\unknown
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\unknown
#-198 Command line processed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
#I022 Found “USB\UNKNOWN” in C:\WINDOWS\inf\usb.inf; Device: “Unknown Device”; Driver: “Unknown Device”; Provider: “Microsoft”; Mfg: “(Standard USB Host Controller)”; Section name: “BADDEVICE.Dev”.
#I023 Actual install section: [BADDEVICE.Dev.NT]. Rank: 0x00000000. Effective driver date: 07/01/2001.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [BADDEVICE.Dev] in “c:\windows\inf\usb.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
#I058 Selected best compatible driver.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES.
#I124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2”.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstallers registered.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Installing section [BADDEVICE.Dev.NT.Interfaces] from “c:\windows\inf\usb.inf”.
#I054 Interfaces installed.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2”.
#I121 Device install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2” finished successfully.

Thanks and Regards,

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Also, please use the KMDF 1.7 coinstaller (wdfcoinstaller01007.dll) and modify the inf to say wdfcoinstaller01007 instead of wdfcoinstaller01005, because the new coinstaller creates more verbose logging information at %windir%\setupact.log. This will make it easier to understand what the exact problem is.


From: [] On Behalf Of Ilias Tsigkogiannis []
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 1:42 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: RE:[ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

Can you also paste the contents of the file %windir%\setupact.log that correspond to an unsuccesful installation? Also, is the OS a 32-bit or a 64-bit version? Finally, you are using the fre and not chk version of the coinstallers, right?


From: [] On Behalf Of []
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 10:23 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

Thanks Tim and Illias.
and really sorry for not being patience.
According to your suggestions I created the following inf file and tried to install still I got the same error and also I am pasting the setupapi.log, winusb_update.log with this email:
INF File:
Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Class =USB
Provider = %ProviderName%

; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections ===========

%ProviderName% = MyDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

; =================== Installation ===================





DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WinUSB.sys

KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install








; ================= Source Media Section =====================

1 = %DISK_NAME%,\i386
2 = %DISK_NAME%,\amd64



; =================== Strings ===================

DISK_NAME=“My Install Disk”


0.063: 2009/02/16 18:46:51.969 (local)
0.063: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update.exe (version
0.063: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /ER /log:C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log
0.063: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12013, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12045, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.250: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.266: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.266: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.266: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.360: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update_XP.inf failed
0.360: CreateUninstall = 0,Directory = C:\WINDOWS$NtUninstallwinusb0100$
0.360: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
0.360: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.360: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.360: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.360: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.360: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.360: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
7.360: SetupOpenInfFile in IsThirdPartyInf Failed with error 0x2
7.375: SetupVerifyInfFile failed with error 0x490 for oem5.inf of device USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E
8.375: OEM file scan used 8015 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 8015 ticks
8.375: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
8.375: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
8.375: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
8.375: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
8.391: AnalyzePhaseSix used 16 ticks
8.391: AnalyzeComponents used 8031 ticks
8.391: Downloading 0 files
8.391: bPatchMode = FALSE
8.391: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 8031 ticks
8.391: Num Ticks for invent : 8031
8.391: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 9810112512 bytes
8.391: Drive C: free 9355MB req: 5MB w/uninstall 0MB
8.391: CabinetBuild complete
8.391: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 0
8.391: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
8.422: FileInUse:: Added to Filelist: c:\windows\
8.532: FileInUse:: PrintTasksUsingModule: No tasks found using c:\windows\
9.547: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
9.594: System Restore Point set.
9.610: Copied file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spmsg2.dll
9.610: PFE2: Not avoiding Per File Exceptions.
9.657: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x80092004
9.657: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
9.844: DoInstallation: Installing assemblies with source root path: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\
9.844: Num Ticks for Copying files : 1453
9.844: Num Ticks for Reg update and deleting 0 size files : 0
9.844: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is empty; nothing to do.
9.844: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 1 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart = 0


[2009/02/16 18:46:59 3168.390 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-198 Command line processed: e:\3732a63d988e18532fa92073610de50c\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [USB_Install] in “c:\windows\inf\oem5.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/16 18:46:24 2552.216]
#-198 Command line processed: “C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe” /s C:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc
#I060 Set selected driver.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#I393 Modified INF cache “C:\WINDOWS\inf\INFCACHE.1”.
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#W187 Install failed, attempting to restore original files.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#-024 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET13.tmp”.
#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
#-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET16.tmp”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “Mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstallers registered.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Installing section [USB_Install.Interfaces] from “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf”.
#I054 Interfaces installed.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
#E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
#I163 Device not started: Device has problem: 0x0a: CM_PROB_FAILED_START.
#I121 Device install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E” finished successfully.
[2009/02/16 19:36:02 740.3 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\unknown
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\unknown
#-198 Command line processed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
#I022 Found “USB\UNKNOWN” in C:\WINDOWS\inf\usb.inf; Device: “Unknown Device”; Driver: “Unknown Device”; Provider: “Microsoft”; Mfg: “(Standard USB Host Controller)”; Section name: “BADDEVICE.Dev”.
#I023 Actual install section: [BADDEVICE.Dev.NT]. Rank: 0x00000000. Effective driver date: 07/01/2001.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [BADDEVICE.Dev] in “c:\windows\inf\usb.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
#I058 Selected best compatible driver.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES.
#I124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2”.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
#I056 Coinstallers registered.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
#-011 Installing section [BADDEVICE.Dev.NT.Interfaces] from “c:\windows\inf\usb.inf”.
#I054 Interfaces installed.
#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
#I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2”.
#I121 Device install of “USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\5&2D9AE04D&0&2” finished successfully.

Thanks and Regards,

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Thanks Ilias.
I changed the inf file to include 1.7 version and still I have the same problem and I am not able to get whats happening… so I am just pasting the inf file, setupapi.log, setupact.log and winusb_update.log.
Please just provide some hint to proceed ahead…

I am suspecting on following errors:
1.#E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
2.unsigned files.

and what does restarting device does in winusb device driver??

My inf file

Signature = “$Windows NT$”
Class =USB
Provider = %ProviderName%
; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections =====3D======
%ProviderName% = MyDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64
%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106 [MyDevice_WinUSB.NTamd64]
%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106 ; =================== Installation =3D==================
DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\WinUSB.sys
KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install
[CoInstallers_AddReg] HKR,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,“WdfCoInstaller01007.dll,WdfCoInstaller”,“WinUSBCo Installer.dll” [CoInstallers_CopyFiles]
; ================= Source Media Section =3D====================
1 = %DISK_NAME%,\i386
2 = %DISK_NAME%,\amd64
; =================== Strings ===3D================
DISK_NAME=“My Install Disk”


WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.430] DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: Pre-Processing

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.446] ReadComponents: WdfSection for Driver Service WINUSB using KMDF lib version Major 0x1, minor 0x7

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.477] DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: Coinstaller version: 1.7.6001

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.508] GetInMemoryVersionUlong: No information about in-memory KMDF version

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.540] DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: KMDF in-memory version: 0.0.0

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.586] DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: KMDF on-disk version: 1.7.6001

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.22.618] DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: On-disk KMDF version is newer than or same as the version of the coinstaller. Update is not required

[02/17/2009 20:31.22.758] WinusbUpdate: Looking for resource WINUSB_INSTALLER_RESOURCE

[02/17/2009 20:31.22.774] WinusbUpdate: Locating resource stream WINUSB_INSTALLER_RESOURCE.

[02/17/2009 20:31.22.805] WinusbUpdate: unpacking update from resource to Microsoft WinUsb Install-v1.0.exe.

[02/17/2009 20:31.22.836] WinusbUpdate: Temporary path is C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Win12.tmp.

[02/17/2009 20:31.22.961] WinusbUpdate: Invoking update with command line “/quiet /ER /log:”%WINDIR%\temp\winusb_update.log"".

[02/17/2009 20:31.23.008] WinusbUpdate: Invoking ““C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Win12.tmp\Microsoft WinUsb Install-v1.0.exe” /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log””.

[02/17/2009 20:31.23.086] WinusbUpdate: Waiting for update to terminate.

[02/17/2009 20:31.35.344] WinusbUpdate: Update process returned 0.

[02/17/2009 20:31.35.406] WinusbUpdate: Cleaning up update.

WdfCoInstaller: [02/17/2009 20:31.40.060] DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: Post-Processing


[SetupAPI Log]
OS Version = 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
Platform ID = 2 (NT)
Service Pack = 2.0
Suite = 0x0100
Product Type = 1
Architecture = x86
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-198 Command line processed: “C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe” /s C:\WINDOWS\system32\compmgmt.msc
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-148 Loading coinstaller modules for “mydevice”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:43.346 #V146 Using exported function “WdfCoInstaller” in module “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01005.dll”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:43.939 #V146 Using exported function “CoDeviceInstall” in module “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:43.986 #V166 Device install function: DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:44.017 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:44.048 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:44.080 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:44.111 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:44.142 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:44.158 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.106 #I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.184 #V166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTDEVICE.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.215 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.262 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.277 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.324 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.434 #V017 Enumerating files “C:\WINDOWS\inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.465 #V392 Using INF cache “C:\WINDOWS\inf\INFCACHE.1”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.527 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “accessor.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.559 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “agtinst.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.605 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “apcompat.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.621 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “appmig.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.652 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “apps.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.683 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “asroc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.699 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “au.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.730 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “axant5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.746 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “bda.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.793 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “biosinfo.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.808 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “camdsh20.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.840 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “certclas.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.855 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “communic.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.886 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “comnt5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.918 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “corelist.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:52.965 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “defltwk.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.043 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “devxprop.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.074 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dfrg.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.105 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dimaps.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.121 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “drm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.152 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “drvindex.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.214 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dshowext.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.261 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dtcnt5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.292 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dwup.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.324 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fltmgr.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.355 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “font.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.386 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fp40ext.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.417 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fsvgaadd.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.433 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fsvgadel.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.464 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fxsocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.495 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “games.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.527 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “icminst.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.542 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “icwnt5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.574 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ie.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.605 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ieaccess.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.636 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “iereset.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.667 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “igames.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.698 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “iis.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.730 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ims.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.761 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “intl.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.792 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ks.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.823 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “kscaptur.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.855 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “layout.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.886 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “legcydrv.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.917 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdac.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.948 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl001.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.964 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl002.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:53.995 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl003.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.011 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl004.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.042 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl005.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.073 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl006.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.104 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl007.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.136 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl008.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.151 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl009.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.183 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl010.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.214 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “medctroc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.245 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “minioc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.261 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mmopt.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.292 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “moviemk.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.307 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mplayer2.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.339 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mqsysoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.370 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msinfo32.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.401 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msmqocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.432 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msmsgs.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.464 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msnetmtg.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.495 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msnmsn.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.526 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msoe50.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.573 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mstask.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.604 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “multimed.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.635 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “multiprt.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.667 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mwremove.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.698 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mymusic.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.729 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netbeac.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.760 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netcis.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.776 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netclass.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.807 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netfw.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.838 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netfxocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.870 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netias.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.901 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netiprip.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.932 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netlpd.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.963 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:54.995 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netsnmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.026 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “nettpsmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.057 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netupnp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.088 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netupnph.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.119 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “oeaccess.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.151 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “oobe.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.182 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “optional.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.213 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “pchealth.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.244 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “phdsext.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.276 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “pinball.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.307 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “pmxmcro.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.338 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “printupg.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.369 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “prtupg9x.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.385 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “qmgr.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.432 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “rootau.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.447 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sapi5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.494 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sceregvl.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.525 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “secdrv.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.541 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “secrecs.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.588 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “setupqry.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.619 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “shell.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.650 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “shl_img.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.682 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “skins.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.713 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sr.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.744 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “srchasst.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.775 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “srusbusd.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.791 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sti.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.822 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “svcpack.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.853 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “swflash.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.885 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “syscomp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.916 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sysoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.947 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “syssetup.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:55.994 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “tabletpc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.025 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “tshoot.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.056 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “tsoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.088 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “vgx.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.119 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wab50.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.166 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wbemoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.181 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wbemsnmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.228 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmaccess.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.244 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmdm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.275 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmfsdk.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.291 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.322 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmpocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.353 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmtour.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.369 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wordpad.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.400 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wsh.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.415 #T075 Enumerating files: Directory pass completed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.540 #T076 Enumerating files: Cache pass completed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.697 #V017 Enumerating files “C:\WINDOWS\inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.728 #V392 Using INF cache “C:\WINDOWS\inf\INFCACHE.1”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.759 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “accessor.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.775 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “agtinst.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.806 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “apcompat.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.821 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “appmig.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.868 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “apps.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.884 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “asroc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.900 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “au.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.931 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “axant5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.962 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “bda.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:56.993 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “biosinfo.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.009 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “camdsh20.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.040 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “certclas.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.071 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “communic.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.103 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “comnt5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.134 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “corelist.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.149 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “defltwk.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.181 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “devxprop.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.196 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dfrg.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.243 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dimaps.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.259 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “drm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.290 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “drvindex.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.306 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dshowext.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.337 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dtcnt5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.368 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “dwup.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.384 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fltmgr.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.415 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “font.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.446 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fp40ext.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.493 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fsvgaadd.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.524 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fsvgadel.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.571 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “fxsocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.587 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “games.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.618 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “icminst.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.649 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “icwnt5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.665 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ie.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.696 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ieaccess.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.712 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “iereset.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.743 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “igames.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.774 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “iis.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.790 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ims.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.821 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “intl.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.836 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “ks.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.868 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “kscaptur.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.883 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “layout.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.930 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “legcydrv.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.946 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdac.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.977 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl001.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:57.993 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl002.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.024 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl003.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.055 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl004.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.071 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl005.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.102 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl006.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.133 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl007.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.164 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl008.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.196 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl009.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.227 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mdmgl010.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.258 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “medctroc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.289 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “minioc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.321 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mmopt.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.352 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “moviemk.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.399 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mplayer2.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.414 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mqsysoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.461 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msinfo32.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.477 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msmqocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.492 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msmsgs.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.539 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msnetmtg.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.555 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msnmsn.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.586 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “msoe50.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.602 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mstask.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.633 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “multimed.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.664 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “multiprt.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.695 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mwremove.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.727 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “mymusic.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.758 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netbeac.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.789 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netcis.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.820 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netclass.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.851 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netfw.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.867 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netfxocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.914 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netias.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:58.961 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netiprip.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.023 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netlpd.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.039 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.070 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netsnmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.117 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “nettpsmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.133 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netupnp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.179 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “netupnph.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.195 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “oeaccess.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.242 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “oobe.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.257 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “optional.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.273 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “pchealth.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.320 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “phdsext.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.336 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “pinball.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.367 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “pmxmcro.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.382 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “printupg.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.414 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “prtupg9x.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.445 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “qmgr.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.460 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “rootau.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.492 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sapi5.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.523 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sceregvl.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.538 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “secdrv.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.570 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “secrecs.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.601 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “setupqry.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.617 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “shell.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.648 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “shl_img.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.679 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “skins.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.695 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sr.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.726 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “srchasst.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.757 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “srusbusd.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.788 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sti.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.804 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “svcpack.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.835 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “swflash.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.866 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “syscomp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.882 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “sysoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.913 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “syssetup.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.944 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “tabletpc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:30:59.991 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “tshoot.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.023 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “tsoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.069 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “vgx.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.101 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wab50.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.132 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wbemoc.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.163 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wbemsnmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.194 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmaccess.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.226 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmdm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.241 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmfsdk.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.272 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmp.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.304 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmpocm.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.335 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wmtour.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.350 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wordpad.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.382 #V073 Cache: Excluding INF “wsh.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.397 #T075 Enumerating files: Directory pass completed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:00.866 #T076 Enumerating files: Cache pass completed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.205 #V166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTDEVICE.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.252 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.283 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.314 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.361 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.502 #V017 Enumerating files “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.533 #I022 Found “USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106” in e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceUSB.inf; Device: “Mydevice”; Driver: “Mydevice”; Provider: “Mydevice”; Mfg: “Mydevice”; Section name: “USB_Install”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.548 #I023 Actual install section: [USB_Install]. Rank: 0x00000000. Effective driver date: 02/16/2009.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:08.626 #V017 Enumerating files “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.297 #V166 Device install function: DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.359 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.375 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.390 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.422 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.437 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.484 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.515 #V166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.593 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.671 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.734 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.765 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.796 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.828 #T200 Install Device: Begin.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.890 #V124 Doing copy-only install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.937 #V011 Installing section [USB_Install] from “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:11.984 #T203 Install Device: Queuing files from INF(s).
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.015 #T204 Install Device: Queuing coinstaller files from INF(s).
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-046 Processing Coinstaller registration section [USB_Install.CoInstallers].
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.124 #V056 Coinstallers registered.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.155 #V011 Installing section [USB_Install.Interfaces] from “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.187 #V054 Interfaces installed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.218 #V121 Device install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E” finished successfully.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.249 #T201 Install Device: End.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:12.280 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #W187 Install failed, attempting to restore original files.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-024 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET7.tmp”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #E249 Failed to apply security to file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”. Error 1307: This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-336 Copying file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\i386\WdfCoInstaller01007.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01007.dll” via temporary file “C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET8.tmp”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.728 #V166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.759 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.806 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.822 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.869 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.900 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.947 #V166 Device install function: DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:20.962 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.009 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.025 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.056 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.103 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.181 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.212 #I056 Coinstallers registered.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.243 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-148 Loading coinstaller modules for “mydevice”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.696 #V146 Using exported function “WdfCoInstaller” in module “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WdfCoInstaller01007.dll”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.962 #V146 Using exported function “CoDeviceInstall” in module “C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:21.993 #V166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.024 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.071 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.102 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.134 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.180 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.196 #V011 Installing section [USB_Install.Interfaces] from “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.243 #I054 Interfaces installed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.274 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.337 #V166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.383 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.696 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:22.727 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:31:28 3920.302 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): pci\ven_14e4&dev_1677&subsys_3009103c&rev_20,pci\ven_14e4&dev_1677&subsys_3009103c,pci\ven_14e4&dev_1677&cc_020000,pci\ven_14e4&dev_1677&cc_0200
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): pci\ven_14e4&dev_1677&rev_20,pci\ven_14e4&dev_1677,pci\ven_14e4&cc_020000,pci\ven_14e4&cc_0200,pci\ven_14e4,pci\cc_020000,pci\cc_0200
#-198 Command line processed: e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [BCM5750A1.XpInst] in “c:\windows\inf\oem0.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/17 20:31:28 3920.314 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): root\dsfksvcs
#-198 Command line processed: e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [DSFKSVCS_DRV] in “c:\windows\inf\oem2.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/17 20:31:29 3920.318 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): root\dsfroot
#-198 Command line processed: e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [DsfRoot_Device] in “c:\windows\inf\oem3.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/17 20:31:32 3920.393 Driver Install]
#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001
#-018 Searching for compatible ID(s): usb\class_ff&subclass_00&prot_00,usb\class_ff&subclass_00,usb\class_ff
#-198 Command line processed: e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\update\update.exe /quiet /ER /log:“C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log”
#I063 Selected driver installs from section [USB_Install] in “c:\windows\inf\oem5.inf”.
#I320 Class GUID of device remains: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}.
#I060 Set selected driver.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.438 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.484 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.531 #T200 Install Device: Begin.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.563 #I123 Doing full install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file “e:\windowslab_sushant\usb\drivers\mydeviceusb.inf” for driver “mydevice” will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.703 #T211 Install Device: Changing registry settings as specified by the INF(s).
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.734 #T212 Install Device: Writing driver specific registry settings.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:35.766 #T213 Install Device: Installing required Windows services.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: #-035 Processing service Add/Delete section [USB_Install.Services].
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:36.312 #V282 Add Service: Modified existing service “WinUSB”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:36.359 #T214 Install Device: Writing driver descriptive registry settings.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:36.390 #T396 Install Device: Restarting device “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E”.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:39.685 #T397 Install Device: Restarting device “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E” completed.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:39.732 #I163 Device not started: Device has problem: 0x0a: CM_PROB_FAILED_START.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:39.747 #T222 Install Device: Calling ‘RUNONCE’/‘GRPCONV’ items.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:39.904 #I121 Device install of “USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E” finished successfully.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:39.966 #T201 Install Device: End.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:39.997 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.028 #T158 Executing coinstaller 1 (Post Processing).
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.481 #V159 Completed coinstaller 1 (Post Processing).
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.528 #V166 Device install function: DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.544 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.575 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.591 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.622 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.653 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:40.684 #V156 Completed default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.386 #V166 Device install function: DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.449 #T149 Executing coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.480 #V150 Completed coinstaller 1 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.511 #T149 Executing coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.605 #V150 Completed coinstaller 2 of 2.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.667 #V155 Executing default installer.
[2009/02/17 20:30:41 3128.217]: @ 20:31:42.714 #V156 Completed default installer.


0.141: ================================================================================
0.141: 2009/02/17 20:31:24.882 (local)
0.141: e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\update\update.exe (version
0.141: Hotfix started with following command line: /quiet /ER /log:C:\WINDOWS\temp\winusb_update.log
0.172: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.438: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12013, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.438: In Function TestVolatileFlag, line 12045, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
0.438: DoInstallation: CleanPFR failed: 0x2
0.453: In Function GetBuildType, line 1170, RegQueryValueEx failed with error 0x2
0.453: SetProductTypes: InfProductBuildType=BuildType.Sel
0.453: SetAltOsLoaderPath: No section uses DirId 65701; done.
0.563: DoInstallation: FetchSourceURL for e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\update\update_XP.inf failed
0.563: CreateUninstall = 0,Directory = C:\WINDOWS$NtUninstallwinusb0100$
0.563: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
0.563: BuildCabinetManifest: update.url absent
0.563: Starting AnalyzeComponents
0.563: AnalyzePhaseZero used 0 ticks
0.563: No c:\windows\INF\updtblk.inf file.
0.563: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
0.563: SetupFindFirstLine in LoadExclusionList Failed with error: 0xe0000102
7.688: SetupOpenInfFile in IsThirdPartyInf Failed with error 0x2
7.688: SetupVerifyInfFile failed with error 0x490 for oem5.inf of device USB\VID_00FD&PID_0001\42CA71ECCE1C44C282DE87D8D8FF6C6E
8.750: OEM file scan used 8187 ticks
8.781: AnalyzePhaseOne: used 8218 ticks
8.781: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatch analysis disabled; skipping.
8.781: AnalyzeComponents: Hotpatching is disabled.
8.781: AnalyzePhaseTwo used 0 ticks
8.781: AnalyzePhaseThree used 0 ticks
8.781: AnalyzePhaseFive used 0 ticks
8.797: AnalyzePhaseSix used 16 ticks
8.797: AnalyzeComponents used 8234 ticks
8.797: Downloading 0 files
8.797: bPatchMode = FALSE
8.797: Inventory complete: ReturnStatus=0, 8234 ticks
8.797: Num Ticks for invent : 8234
8.797: Allocation size of drive C: is 4096 bytes, free space = 10158604288 bytes
8.797: Drive C: free 9688MB req: 5MB w/uninstall 0MB
8.797: CabinetBuild complete
8.797: Num Ticks for Cabinet build : 0
8.797: DynamicStrings section not defined or empty.
8.828: FileInUse:: Added to Filelist: c:\windows\
8.953: FileInUse:: PrintTasksUsingModule: No tasks found using c:\windows\
9.985: LoadFileQueues: UpdSpGetSourceFileLocation for halaacpi.dll failed: 0xe0000102
10.031: System Restore Point set.
10.063: Copied file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\spmsg2.dll
10.063: PFE2: Not avoiding Per File Exceptions.
10.094: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x80092004
10.094: GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
10.328: DoInstallation: Installing assemblies with source root path: e:\36d99c0cefd700ca7c7a238fefdf24\
10.328: Num Ticks for Copying files : 1531
10.328: Num Ticks for Reg update and deleting 0 size files : 0
10.328: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is empty; nothing to do.
10.328: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 1 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart = 0

Hi Ilias,
I am using free version of dlls as well as I am using OS-32 bit windows xp service pack2.

Umm, perhaps this isn’t the best time to make this observation [I’ve been out sick for a few days], but as noted, a code 10 means the device failed to start. That means that the device driver was successfully loaded, and the device was successfully added, since both have to occur before a start IRP comes along [and failing driver entry has a specific problem code, and if there’s one for failing AddDevice, I don’t remember it and I’m not going to take the time to look it up at the moment].

So IMO, looking for a problem with KMDF or WinUSB installation is a false trail- if you weren’t installing the framework [or WinUSB] properly- you’d either have the error codes for no drivers, or for a driver failing to load [failing in DriverEntry]- usually the latter. Anything else strikes me as wishful and unproductive thinking [poor troubleshooting technique].

If I were you, this is what I would be doing- I admit it’s quite a bit at one chunk, particularly if it’s all new, but sometimes it’s best to do one’s own legwork, because advice is usually illusory, be it good or bad:

WDK with 1.7 coinstallers has WdfVerifier tool- I’d turn on verbose logging for winusb.sys and kick log page count to 10. Turning Verifier on or off I leave to you. Or you can do it via registry, if you prefer. I like using WdfVerifier, but then I’ve got a vested interest in it [I wrote it]…

Then I’d already have a kernel debugger attached, because life as a driver writer is pointless without one. I’d break in, enter “sxeld winusb.sys;g”, and then disable and re-enable my device. This should cause a break when winusb is loaded. I’d check its symbols so I can find its DriverEntry routine [I don’t know for sure what public symbols are available, sorry]. If I can, I set a breakpoint there. If I can’t, then I set one in Wdfldr!WdfVersionBind, because I know that’s an export [and I’m happy to share this info] from wdfldr that will be invoked from WinUSB at DriverEntry and since it’s an export, I don’t even need valid symbols to do this. Then I resume- at the breakpoint [either one], I check the stack values (or registers, if this is AMD64) to see where the driver object is. I then enter “gu” until I have popped back into the kernel. At that point, I know the dispatch table has been filled in, so I can now locate the address of the MJ_PNP dispatch function and I can set a breakpoint there. [Now if I were Doron, I might know some shortcuts off the top of my head, but even so, sometimes, it’s a good idea to remember basic troubleshooting procedures, and finding a way to get closer to the point of failure is usually one of them].

I then wait for the start IRP, and let it complete. At that point, I can use the wdfkd extensions to check the winusb driver’s kernel log and see if it gives me any clues as to why the start IRP failed. (e.g. !wdflogdump- you will need to use !wdftmffile to point to the tmf from the WDK for the KMDF version you are using- the extensions are listed in the WDK section on getting started with KMDF- debugging KMDF drivers).

At that point I might have questions to ask, but they’d be pretty specific questions, most of the time- and if they’re not, I’d have a lot of things checked off anybody’s to-do list… wrote:

According to your suggestions I created the following inf file and tried to install still I got the same error and also I am pasting the setupapi.log, winusb_update.log with this email:

The problem is pretty clear in the logs. Your INF matches this specific

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc% =USB_Install, USB\VID_00fd&PID_0001&REV_0106

but your device reports itself as this device:

#-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001&rev_0100,usb\vid_00fd&pid_0001

The revision numbers don’t match. Unless you really want to match
exactly one version (which is rare), I suggest you change the PnP device
ID to be more generic:

%USB\MyDevice.DeviceDesc%=USB_Install, USB\Vid_00fd&PID_0001

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

This is what I would do
sxe ld winusb.sys

when that hits,
bp winusb!DriverEntry

when that hits,

which will let DriverEntry run and return back to the io manager, then run
!drvobj \Driver\Winusb 3

Which gives you the dispatch table and the driver object

dt _DRIVER_OBJECT DriverExtension

when the AddDevice hits,

then run
!wdfkd.wdfdriverinfo winusb

Which will give you a WDFDEVICE for the device that was just added
!wdfkd.wdfdevice 0xfff

This will give you the EvtDeviceD0Entry, EvtDevicePrepareHardware and self managed io callbacks registered on the device (not all may be registered).

Place a bp on each routine, then

when each routine is hit, initially run

and look at the return value (in eax),

if != 0, this is the routine that is failing and you can restart the process to debug further or hope that !wdfkd.wdflogdump winusb has enough relevant entries to let you know what failed.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Bob Kjelgaard
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 9:02 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

Umm, perhaps this isn’t the best time to make this observation [I’ve been out sick for a few days], but as noted, a code 10 means the device failed to start. That means that the device driver was successfully loaded, and the device was successfully added, since both have to occur before a start IRP comes along [and failing driver entry has a specific problem code, and if there’s one for failing AddDevice, I don’t remember it and I’m not going to take the time to look it up at the moment].

So IMO, looking for a problem with KMDF or WinUSB installation is a false trail- if you weren’t installing the framework [or WinUSB] properly- you’d either have the error codes for no drivers, or for a driver failing to load [failing in DriverEntry]- usually the latter. Anything else strikes me as wishful and unproductive thinking [poor troubleshooting technique].

If I were you, this is what I would be doing- I admit it’s quite a bit at one chunk, particularly if it’s all new, but sometimes it’s best to do one’s own legwork, because advice is usually illusory, be it good or bad:

WDK with 1.7 coinstallers has WdfVerifier tool- I’d turn on verbose logging for winusb.sys and kick log page count to 10. Turning Verifier on or off I leave to you. Or you can do it via registry, if you prefer. I like using WdfVerifier, but then I’ve got a vested interest in it [I wrote it]…

Then I’d already have a kernel debugger attached, because life as a driver writer is pointless without one. I’d break in, enter “sxeld winusb.sys;g”, and then disable and re-enable my device. This should cause a break when winusb is loaded. I’d check its symbols so I can find its DriverEntry routine [I don’t know for sure what public symbols are available, sorry]. If I can, I set a breakpoint there. If I can’t, then I set one in Wdfldr!WdfVersionBind, because I know that’s an export [and I’m happy to share this info] from wdfldr that will be invoked from WinUSB at DriverEntry and since it’s an export, I don’t even need valid symbols to do this. Then I resume- at the breakpoint [either one], I check the stack values (or registers, if this is AMD64) to see where the driver object is. I then enter “gu” until I have popped back into the kernel. At that point, I know the dispatch table has been filled in, so I can now locate the address of the MJ_PNP dispatch function and I can set a breakpoint there. [Now if I were Doron, I might know some shortcuts off the top of my head, but even so, sometimes, it’s a good idea to remember basic troubleshooting procedures, and finding a way to get closer to the point of failure is usually one of them].

I then wait for the start IRP, and let it complete. At that point, I can use the wdfkd extensions to check the winusb driver’s kernel log and see if it gives me any clues as to why the start IRP failed. (e.g. !wdflogdump- you will need to use !wdftmffile to point to the tmf from the WDK for the KMDF version you are using- the extensions are listed in the WDK section on getting started with KMDF- debugging KMDF drivers).

At that point I might have questions to ask, but they’d be pretty specific questions, most of the time- and if they’re not, I’d have a lot of things checked off anybody’s to-do list…

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Um, guys, I understand my life is pointless without a debugger but what
you both described seems as a good reason against using it :wink: Manual,
slow and laborious work. Don’t you have something better? I’m not
interested about this particular problem, more about generic ways how to
solve problems with WinUsb, KMDF and UMDF. I didn’t need it during year
of working with UMDF (yet?) so I have only vague notion about

Well, when I need to do something like this with my driver under
development, I just change one or few values in registry (trace areas),
start DebugView and reload the driver. From captured traces I usually
see immediatelly what failed and why. IIRC you have ETW/WPP traces
inside. Maybe it’d be helpful (for beginners) if you describe how to
achieve the same result using traces. Step by step from the beginning to
examining log in human readable form. If it is possible, I’d bet it’d be
more efficient than using debugger.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
UPEK, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Doron Holan
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:09 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is
not able to start

This is what I would do
sxe ld winusb.sys

when that hits,
bp winusb!DriverEntry

when that hits,

which will let DriverEntry run and return back to the io
manager, then run
!drvobj \Driver\Winusb 3

Which gives you the dispatch table and the driver object

dt _DRIVER_OBJECT DriverExtension
> bp
> g
> when the AddDevice hits,
> gu
> then run
> !wdfkd.wdfdriverinfo winusb
> Which will give you a WDFDEVICE for the device that was just added
> !wdfkd.wdfdevice 0xfff
> This will give you the EvtDeviceD0Entry,
> EvtDevicePrepareHardware and self managed io callbacks
> registered on the device (not all may be registered).
> Place a bp on each routine, then
> g
> when each routine is hit, initially run
> gu
> and look at the return value (in eax),
> reax
> if != 0, this is the routine that is failing and you can
> restart the process to debug further or hope that
> !wdfkd.wdflogdump winusb has enough relevant entries to let
> you know what failed.
> d
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Bob Kjelgaard
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 9:02 AM
> To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
> Subject: RE:[ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not
> able to start
> Umm, perhaps this isn’t the best time to make this
> observation [I’ve been out sick for a few days], but as
> noted, a code 10 means the device failed to start. That
> means that the device driver was successfully loaded, and the
> device was successfully added, since both have to occur
> before a start IRP comes along [and failing driver entry has
> a specific problem code, and if there’s one for failing
> AddDevice, I don’t remember it and I’m not going to take the
> time to look it up at the moment].
> So IMO, looking for a problem with KMDF or WinUSB
> installation is a false trail- if you weren’t installing the
> framework [or WinUSB] properly- you’d either have the error
> codes for no drivers, or for a driver failing to load
> [failing in DriverEntry]- usually the latter. Anything else
> strikes me as wishful and unproductive thinking [poor
> troubleshooting technique].
> If I were you, this is what I would be doing- I admit it’s
> quite a bit at one chunk, particularly if it’s all new, but
> sometimes it’s best to do one’s own legwork, because advice
> is usually illusory, be it good or bad:
> WDK with 1.7 coinstallers has WdfVerifier tool- I’d turn on
> verbose logging for winusb.sys and kick log page count to 10.
> Turning Verifier on or off I leave to you. Or you can do it
> via registry, if you prefer. I like using WdfVerifier, but
> then I’ve got a vested interest in it [I wrote it]…
> Then I’d already have a kernel debugger attached, because
> life as a driver writer is pointless without one. I’d break
> in, enter “sxeld winusb.sys;g”, and then disable and
> re-enable my device. This should cause a break when winusb
> is loaded. I’d check its symbols so I can find its
> DriverEntry routine [I don’t know for sure what public <br>&gt; symbols are available, sorry]. If I can, I set a breakpoint
> there. If I can’t, then I set one in Wdfldr!WdfVersionBind,
> because I know that’s an export [and I’m happy to share this
> info] from wdfldr that will be invoked from WinUSB at
> DriverEntry and since it’s an export, I don’t even need valid
> symbols to do this. Then I resume- at the breakpoint [either
> one], I check the stack values (or registers, if this is
> AMD64) to see where the driver object is. I then enter “gu”
> until I have popped back into the kernel. At that point, I
> know the dispatch table has been filled in, so I can now
> locate the address of the MJ_PNP dispatch function and I can
> set a breakpoint there. [Now if I were Doron, I might know
> some shortcuts off the top of my head, but even so,
> sometimes, it’s a good idea to remember basic troubleshooting
> procedures, and finding a way to get closer to the point of
> failure is usually one of them].
> I then wait for the start IRP, and let it complete. At that
> point, I can use the wdfkd extensions to check the winusb
> driver’s kernel log and see if it gives me any clues as to
> why the start IRP failed. (e.g. !wdflogdump- you will need
> to use !wdftmffile to point to the tmf from the WDK for the
> KMDF version you are using- the extensions are listed in the
> WDK section on getting started with KMDF- debugging KMDF drivers).
> At that point I might have questions to ask, but they’d be
> pretty specific questions, most of the time- and if they’re
> not, I’d have a lot of things checked off anybody’s to-do list…
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online
> at
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online
> at

It is rather simple unless the issue is in the bowels of winusb. If it is a KMDF API call that is causing start to fail, !wdfkd.wdflogdump winusb should tell you rather quickly. What is lacking here is the tmf file for winusb (it does use wpp internally). If it were public, it would be as simple as pointing traceview at it and away you go. Bob and my recommendations have to deal with the fact that you must inspect winusb’s failure in the debugger due to the lack of tmf file. (and yes we are working on making that file public)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Michal Vodicka
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:00 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

Um, guys, I understand my life is pointless without a debugger but what
you both described seems as a good reason against using it :wink: Manual,
slow and laborious work. Don’t you have something better? I’m not
interested about this particular problem, more about generic ways how to
solve problems with WinUsb, KMDF and UMDF. I didn’t need it during year
of working with UMDF (yet?) so I have only vague notion about

Well, when I need to do something like this with my driver under
development, I just change one or few values in registry (trace areas),
start DebugView and reload the driver. From captured traces I usually
see immediatelly what failed and why. IIRC you have ETW/WPP traces
inside. Maybe it’d be helpful (for beginners) if you describe how to
achieve the same result using traces. Step by step from the beginning to
examining log in human readable form. If it is possible, I’d bet it’d be
more efficient than using debugger.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
UPEK, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Doron Holan
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:09 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is
not able to start

This is what I would do
sxe ld winusb.sys

when that hits,
bp winusb!DriverEntry

when that hits,

which will let DriverEntry run and return back to the io
manager, then run
!drvobj \Driver\Winusb 3

Which gives you the dispatch table and the driver object

dt _DRIVER_OBJECT DriverExtension
> bp
> g
> when the AddDevice hits,
> gu
> then run
> !wdfkd.wdfdriverinfo winusb
> Which will give you a WDFDEVICE for the device that was just added
> !wdfkd.wdfdevice 0xfff
> This will give you the EvtDeviceD0Entry,
> EvtDevicePrepareHardware and self managed io callbacks
> registered on the device (not all may be registered).
> Place a bp on each routine, then
> g
> when each routine is hit, initially run
> gu
> and look at the return value (in eax),
> reax
> if != 0, this is the routine that is failing and you can
> restart the process to debug further or hope that
> !wdfkd.wdflogdump winusb has enough relevant entries to let
> you know what failed.
> d
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Bob Kjelgaard
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 9:02 AM
> To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
> Subject: RE:[ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not
> able to start
> Umm, perhaps this isn’t the best time to make this
> observation [I’ve been out sick for a few days], but as
> noted, a code 10 means the device failed to start. That
> means that the device driver was successfully loaded, and the
> device was successfully added, since both have to occur
> before a start IRP comes along [and failing driver entry has
> a specific problem code, and if there’s one for failing
> AddDevice, I don’t remember it and I’m not going to take the
> time to look it up at the moment].
> So IMO, looking for a problem with KMDF or WinUSB
> installation is a false trail- if you weren’t installing the
> framework [or WinUSB] properly- you’d either have the error
> codes for no drivers, or for a driver failing to load
> [failing in DriverEntry]- usually the latter. Anything else
> strikes me as wishful and unproductive thinking [poor
> troubleshooting technique].
> If I were you, this is what I would be doing- I admit it’s
> quite a bit at one chunk, particularly if it’s all new, but
> sometimes it’s best to do one’s own legwork, because advice
> is usually illusory, be it good or bad:
> WDK with 1.7 coinstallers has WdfVerifier tool- I’d turn on
> verbose logging for winusb.sys and kick log page count to 10.
> Turning Verifier on or off I leave to you. Or you can do it
> via registry, if you prefer. I like using WdfVerifier, but
> then I’ve got a vested interest in it [I wrote it]…
> Then I’d already have a kernel debugger attached, because
> life as a driver writer is pointless without one. I’d break
> in, enter “sxeld winusb.sys;g”, and then disable and
> re-enable my device. This should cause a break when winusb
> is loaded. I’d check its symbols so I can find its
> DriverEntry routine [I don’t know for sure what public<br>&gt; symbols are available, sorry]. If I can, I set a breakpoint
> there. If I can’t, then I set one in Wdfldr!WdfVersionBind,
> because I know that’s an export [and I’m happy to share this
> info] from wdfldr that will be invoked from WinUSB at
> DriverEntry and since it’s an export, I don’t even need valid
> symbols to do this. Then I resume- at the breakpoint [either
> one], I check the stack values (or registers, if this is
> AMD64) to see where the driver object is. I then enter “gu”
> until I have popped back into the kernel. At that point, I
> know the dispatch table has been filled in, so I can now
> locate the address of the MJ_PNP dispatch function and I can
> set a breakpoint there. [Now if I were Doron, I might know
> some shortcuts off the top of my head, but even so,
> sometimes, it’s a good idea to remember basic troubleshooting
> procedures, and finding a way to get closer to the point of
> failure is usually one of them].
> I then wait for the start IRP, and let it complete. At that
> point, I can use the wdfkd extensions to check the winusb
> driver’s kernel log and see if it gives me any clues as to
> why the start IRP failed. (e.g. !wdflogdump- you will need
> to use !wdftmffile to point to the tmf from the WDK for the
> KMDF version you are using- the extensions are listed in the
> WDK section on getting started with KMDF- debugging KMDF drivers).
> At that point I might have questions to ask, but they’d be
> pretty specific questions, most of the time- and if they’re
> not, I’d have a lot of things checked off anybody’s to-do list…
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online
> at
> —
> NTDEV is sponsored by OSR
> For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:
> To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online
> at

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

> -----Original Message-----

[] On Behalf Of Doron Holan
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:38 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is
not able to start

It is rather simple unless the issue is in the bowels of
winusb. If it is a KMDF API call that is causing start to
fail, !wdfkd.wdflogdump winusb should tell you rather

But is needs debugger again :slight_smile:

Debugger connection may be available at developer’s table (not at mine)
but it isn’t when a problem occurs at QA or customer’s computer.

What is lacking here is the tmf file for winusb (it
does use wpp internally). If it were public, it would be as
simple as pointing traceview at it and away you go. Bob and
my recommendations have to deal with the fact that you must
inspect winusb’s failure in the debugger due to the lack of
tmf file. (and yes we are working on making that file public)

Fair enough. Thanks.

BTW, that’s one of reasons why I believe WPP is evil. You need TMF files
and they aren’t generally available.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
UPEK, Inc.

[Acceptance and some expectation setting follows]

I’m sure it would, but I’m not going to take the time to research such a thing in suggesting from my limited supply of free time something that takes so long for me to research. I’m also not going to recommend it unless they’ve managed to do the same with their own driver, because if all we can tell them is it’s a problem in their driver, they’re still going to need that debugger.

I said- “that’s how I’d do it” because I do work with KD, and I always will- so what I listed is literally how I’d approach the problem from the information I’d seen up to that point, assuming I had only public symbols, etc, and not knowing for sure what those would constitute. Because when I’m looking at problems of this ilk, I may need to set more breakpoints until I have a root cause- switching from a UM-based logging task [which runs on a machine I have to lock up using the KD] to the KD is a task switch I’ve found it easier to avoid. I use traces so infrequently I have to look everything up whenever it’s time to check that mechanism [and I want to automate that so I can just stop looking up something I never use on a daily basis but has to be done]. But the kernel-mode side of the traces [accessible via the kd extensions I listed] I use all the time [and using them covers the vast majority of the code paths I need to verify to make sure tracing hasn’t broken, so I’m not slacking on the test side of things with this approach, either].

So if someone gets some time to write such an article, perhaps they will- please consider the request for some article understood [and I appreciate the suggestion- I realize not everyone uses my working style]. But don’t expect me to post it in an off-the-cuff answer to NTDEV. And be aware all I can do is suggest things myself [unless I find time to write the article myself, anyway]…

Or for that matter, I know other people on list have used the WPP tracing (because they’ve asked about the GUID, for one thing). So perhaps they can be tasked with enlightening the world…

You don’t need to attach a debugger to see the log for a WDF driver, traceview can capture it just as easily.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Michal Vodicka
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:48 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is not able to start

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Doron Holan
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:38 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Winusb stuck at code [10] - device is
not able to start

It is rather simple unless the issue is in the bowels of
winusb. If it is a KMDF API call that is causing start to
fail, !wdfkd.wdflogdump winusb should tell you rather

But is needs debugger again :slight_smile:

Debugger connection may be available at developer’s table (not at mine)
but it isn’t when a problem occurs at QA or customer’s computer.

What is lacking here is the tmf file for winusb (it
does use wpp internally). If it were public, it would be as
simple as pointing traceview at it and away you go. Bob and
my recommendations have to deal with the fact that you must
inspect winusb’s failure in the debugger due to the lack of
tmf file. (and yes we are working on making that file public)

Fair enough. Thanks.

BTW, that’s one of reasons why I believe WPP is evil. You need TMF files
and they aren’t generally available.

Best regards,

Michal Vodicka
UPEK, Inc.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Hi Tim,
I tried changing Pnp device id as specified by you. still its giving me the same problem.

what to do?

Do I have to reinstall my Windows xp os completely and try again with the changes since I have installed and reinstalled the inf so many times in the os??