WinPE does not shutdown gracefully

Hi All,

We are using our driver in WinPE environment, but it seems that it doesn’t get shutdown notifications and that leads to some curruption in driver’s private metadata as it doesn’t get chance to unload properly.

I googled and doesn’t found any document saying that WinPE doesn’t do gracefull shutdown and just behaves like hard reboot. So do any one have some pointers about it?

Thanks & Regards,

> Hi All,

We are using our driver in WinPE environment, but it seems that it doesn’t
get shutdown notifications and that leads to some curruption in driver’s
private metadata as it doesn’t get chance to unload properly.

I googled and doesn’t found any document saying that WinPE doesn’t do
gracefull shutdown and just behaves like hard reboot. So do any one have
some pointers about it?

Thanks & Regards,

There is an IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN; are you looking for that?

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No, I think you misunderstood my question. I know how to handle shutdown notification, infact my driver have all infrastructure to handle graceful shutdown.

The question is that does WinPE shutdown everything abruptly(At least that’s what my observation is) or is there any option to graceful shutdown in WinPE? it seems that in WinPE it is always an abrupt shutdown.