Hi All,
I’m debugging a driver on one of my XP SP2 machine,
while booting, WinLogon keeps reporting access violation in WinDbg
as following:
Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
001b:0100c686 891a mov [edx],ebx
001b:0100c671 52 push edx
001b:0100c672 68681a0701 push 0x1071a68
001b:0100c677 e819000000 call 0100c695
001b:0100c67c ff75f4 push dword ptr [ebp-0xc]
001b:0100c67f ff31 push dword ptr [ecx]
001b:0100c681 e82e000000 call 0100c6b4
001b:0100c686 891a mov [edx],ebx ds:0023:00000000=???
001b:0100c688 8955fc mov [ebp-0x4],edx
001b:0100c68b 8f03 pop [ebx]
001b:0100c68d 83c404 add esp,0x4
001b:0100c690 8945f8 mov [ebp-0x8],eax
001b:0100c693 eb1d jmp 0100c6b2
001b:0100c695 8b442404 mov eax,[esp+0x4]
001b:0100c699 85c0 test eax,eax
the platform:
Windows XP pro v2002 SP2
AMD Athlon™ 64 processor
It seems like winlogon is running some codes in the heap, if I disable the
“Access violation” check in WinDbg, system will boot and work. After the
desktop showed up, it won’t report “access violation” any more.
But those exceptions are really annoying when debugging, anyone has any
idea or experiences on this? what problem it is and how to fix it please?