Windows Driver - Newbie

Hi, I’m interested in writing a Windows driver to emulate a local hard disk. All I want from the driver is to request which disk sectors to read and I’ll return a populated buffer. Same with writing. In other words I want this driver to work at a really low level. So low in fact that I don’t even want to give it information about partitions, it should do that by itself as it will have full access to the sectors. Can someone please give me some advice or maybe a sample that I can modify. This really seems like a simple thing to do and I’d like some input from you clever blokes out there. I want this “drive” to appear with other LOCAL hard disks to give you the maximum functions such as Scandisk etc.

Thanks again. Oh yes, know of any GOOD books on the subject before I just do a search on Amazon for “Windows Drivers”.


What does this have to do with file systems? Try ntdev as this is a storage

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi, I’m interested in writing a Windows driver to emulate a local hard
> disk. All I want from the driver is to request which disk sectors to read
> and I’ll return a populated buffer. Same with writing. In other words I
> want this driver to work at a really low level. So low in fact that I
> don’t even want to give it information about partitions, it should do that
> by itself as it will have full access to the sectors. Can someone please
> give me some advice or maybe a sample that I can modify. This really
> seems like a simple thing to do and I’d like some input from you clever
> blokes out there. I want this “drive” to appear with other LOCAL hard
> disks to give you the maximum functions such as Scandisk etc.
> Thanks again. Oh yes, know of any GOOD books on the subject before I just
> do a search on Amazon for “Windows Drivers”.
> Cheers!
> wrote:

This really seems like a simple thing to do

lol. Love it when people say that… :stuck_out_tongue:
