Windows 7 Kernel Debug


i am having the folowign setup

Windows 7 pro ( physical machine ) - windbg installed with symbols configured

Windows 2008 - Virtual machine

i want to do real time debugging but attaching debugger to windows server 2008 from win7

Please assist - i searched for articles , unfortunaately there arent any, i need to know the steps

You might want to take a look at ‘kernel_debugging_tutorial.doc’ in the root
of your windbg installation.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 5:50 AM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: [windbg] Windows 7 Kernel Debug


i am having the folowign setup

Windows 7 pro ( physical machine ) - windbg installed with symbols

Windows 2008 - Virtual machine

i want to do real time debugging but attaching debugger to windows server
2008 from win7

Please assist - i searched for articles , unfortunaately there arent any, i
need to know the steps

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I’m surprised that the technique isn’t clear.

  1. In Win2008 VM’s Settings, define under COM1 create a named pipe with a name like MyWin2008VM.
  2. In the VM itself, in an elevated window, do: bcdedit /set debug on .
  3. Assuming that the Hyper-V system running the VM is itself named MyWin2008HV, start windbg on the Win7 system (or on some system; couldn be the Hyper-V system itself): windbg.exe /k com:port=\MyWin2008HV\pipe\MyWin2008VM,pipe,resets=0,reconnect .
  4. Reboot the VM. The debugger session should show activity (assuming there are not network/firewall issues.)

James Antognini