WinDbg View|options

Once I have set up the view options I would like to “import” those options to another node that has windbg.

Where can I find the instructions for doing the “export/import” of the option settings?

Larry C

There are options under the File menu to save the workspace to a file and
load the workspace from a file.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate and Chief System Problem Analyst
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…

Once I have set up the view options I would like to “import” those options
to another node that has windbg.

Where can I find the instructions for doing the “export/import” of the
option settings?

Larry C

Thanks, I saw that but it did not register in my mind that that was where the options were stored. I’ll try it.

Larry C

windbg -QY -WF …\newwkspc.wew

if newwkspc.wew exists windbg will open it

if not will ask you if you want to create newwkspc.wew

if you say yes windbg will create newwkspc.wew in the path you specify

and then when you quit windbg will automatically save
all your customisations to newwkspc.wew

you can then copy paste it to some where else

if you had used windbg -IA once then windbg would have associated the
.wew file to open with itself so you can simply double click the .wew

On 4/10/12, wrote:
> Once I have set up the view options I would like to “import” those options
> to another node that has windbg.
> Where can I find the instructions for doing the “export/import” of the
> option settings?
> Larry C
> —
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Slightly off topic, but it might be worth mentioning that if you delete all present workspaces (in the registry), then run WinDbg without any debuggee, you configure options and exit WinDbg, it will save it into default workspace and will reuse the default workspace for each new debuggee.

Yes, it might be good that WinDbg has workspace for each debuggee, but I prefer the other approach - having one configuration (layout, symbols, options) for all.


Agreed. I go over this in horrific detail during the first day of debug lab
for the sake of everyone’s sanity. It’s really, really annoying to have to
reconfigure your WinDBG environment every time you open up a new dump file.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate and Chief System Problem Analyst
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…

Slightly off topic, but it might be worth mentioning that if you delete all
present workspaces (in the registry), then run WinDbg without any debuggee,
you configure options and exit WinDbg, it will save it into default
workspace and will reuse the default workspace for each new debuggee.

Yes, it might be good that WinDbg has workspace for each debuggee, but I
prefer the other approach - having one configuration (layout, symbols,
options) for all.
