Hi developers,
I’m writing some kind of special serial device driver (kernel mode). I
use the DbgPrint() function for getting some debug output. This driver
was first developed under Windows NT 4. And now I want to update it
that it will run on Windows 2000. The old (NT4) source code compiled
without any error on Windows 2000 (with DDK 2000), too.
My problem:
WinDbg doesn’t want to do his job at all. I configured it as kernel
debugger with 19200 baud, … . Then I click go, and got the normal
output ‘waiting for thread to connect’ or something. I configured the
target machine with ‘/fastdetect /debug /debugport=com2
/baudrate=19200’ and rebooted this machine. There were no outputs at
all. On NT4 I got messages about all drivers that were loaded while
booting and than my own debug outputs as my driver was loaded. On 2000
I got not even a message that the client connected to the debugger.
The cable is working well, because I can connect with Hyperterminal. I
had this problem as well sometimes with NT4.
Has someone experience about debugging kernel mode drivers, some other
tools, configuration tips, problem hints, … ? Please answer me very
exactly because I don’t know what could be wrong. I followed exactly
the instructions of DDK (Feb 2000).
Stefan Bambach
Stefan Bambach
triplex - agentur f?r neue medien GmbH
Erhardtstr. 8
80469 M?nchen
If all you’re going to do is simple trace level debugging, then use DbgView
from www.sysinternals.com. Its extremely simple to setup and use, and can be
used to accept DbgPrint 's from other machines on a network.
Good luck,
Mark Shaw,
Senior Software Engineer,
CCC Network Systems,
Belfast, Northern Ireland.
----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Bambach
To: NT Developers Interest List
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 3:42 PM
Subject: [ntdev] WinDbg under Windows 2000
Hi developers,
I’m writing some kind of special serial device driver (kernel mode). I
use the DbgPrint() function for getting some debug output. This driver
was first developed under Windows NT 4. And now I want to update it
that it will run on Windows 2000. The old (NT4) source code compiled
without any error on Windows 2000 (with DDK 2000), too.
My problem:
WinDbg doesn’t want to do his job at all. I configured it as kernel
debugger with 19200 baud, … . Then I click go, and got the normal
output ‘waiting for thread to connect’ or something. I configured the
target machine with ‘/fastdetect /debug /debugport=com2
/baudrate=19200’ and rebooted this machine. There were no outputs at
all. On NT4 I got messages about all drivers that were loaded while
booting and than my own debug outputs as my driver was loaded. On 2000
I got not even a message that the client connected to the debugger.
The cable is working well, because I can connect with Hyperterminal. I
had this problem as well sometimes with NT4.
Has someone experience about debugging kernel mode drivers, some other
tools, configuration tips, problem hints, … ? Please answer me very
exactly because I don’t know what could be wrong. I followed exactly
the instructions of DDK (Feb 2000).
Stefan Bambach
Stefan Bambach
triplex - agentur für neue medien GmbH
Erhardtstr. 8
80469 München
Tel: +49 89 209138-29
Fax: +49 89 209138-10
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Um, unless Russinovich has figured out how to bypass the kernel protected
pages, dbgview doesn’t work on W2K.
Mark Roddy
Windows 2000/NT Consultant
Hollis Technology Solutions
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 11:12 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Re: WinDbg under Windows 2000
If all you’re going to do is simple trace level debugging, then use DbgView
from www.sysinternals.com. Its extremely simple to setup and use, and can be
used to accept DbgPrint 's from other machines on a network.
Good luck,
Mark Shaw,
Senior Software Engineer,
CCC Network Systems,
Belfast, Northern Ireland.
----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Bambach
To: NT Developers Interest List
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 3:42 PM
Subject: [ntdev] WinDbg under Windows 2000
Hi developers,
I’m writing some kind of special serial device driver (kernel mode). I
use the DbgPrint() function for getting some debug output. This driver
was first developed under Windows NT 4. And now I want to update it
that it will run on Windows 2000. The old (NT4) source code compiled
without any error on Windows 2000 (with DDK 2000), too.
My problem:
WinDbg doesn’t want to do his job at all. I configured it as kernel
debugger with 19200 baud, … . Then I click go, and got the normal
output ‘waiting for thread to connect’ or something. I configured the
target machine with ‘/fastdetect /debug /debugport=com2
/baudrate=19200’ and rebooted this machine. There were no outputs at
all. On NT4 I got messages about all drivers that were loaded while
booting and than my own debug outputs as my driver was loaded. On 2000
I got not even a message that the client connected to the debugger.
The cable is working well, because I can connect with Hyperterminal. I
had this problem as well sometimes with NT4.
Has someone experience about debugging kernel mode drivers, some other
tools, configuration tips, problem hints, … ? Please answer me very
exactly because I don’t know what could be wrong. I followed exactly
the instructions of DDK (Feb 2000).
Stefan Bambach
Stefan Bambach
triplex - agentur f?r neue medien GmbH
Erhardtstr. 8
80469 M?nchen
Tel: +49 89 209138-29
Fax: +49 89 209138-10
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