Windbg setting up

Hi, I have tried to set up windbg on my computer. Both debuger and debugee
have been running winNT4.0 and have identical settings. The problem is that
when I start to start debug, there is always a message there said: could not
issue this command when the target machine is running. I am confused because
even I turn off the target machine. The error message does not disappear.
Can somebody help me? Thanks.

Zhongsheng Wang
P. O. Box 500, M/S 50-480
Beaverton, OR 97077
Phone: (503) 627-5260

If you want to issue a command, you have to “breakin” - that is, stop the
target machine. User the Ctrl-BReak key sequence to stop the target.

Hi, all: I really appreciate all replies for my question about windbg
setting up. However, I still cannot get it work. I have tried CNTL+SysRq,
CNTL+Break, ^c and other options, but none of them can stop the running
process in the target machine.

I connect the host machine (COM2) to target machine (COM1) with a serial
cable. The following is my command and error message:

Thread Create: Process=0, Thread=0
Kernel debugger waiting to connect on com2 @ 19200 baud
KDx86> !dd
Debugger extension library [kdextx86.dll] loaded

*** Extension DLL(1381 Free) does not match target system(0 Checked)

Physical memory read failed

KDx86> !drivers

*** Extension DLL(1381 Free) does not match target system(0 Checked)

Couldn’t get offset of PsLoadedModuleListHead

KDx86> g
KDx86> !dd
Cannot issue this command while target system is running

I tried to stop the running process of target machine, but I failed every
time. Could anyone give more suggestion? Thanks.


Zhongsheng Wang
P. O. Box 500, M/S 50-480
Beaverton, OR 97077
Phone: (503) 627-5260


You are trying to debug the checked kernel using the free version of
kdextx86.dll. You need to point windbag at the checked version of
kdextx86.dll. The checked versions of kdextx86.dll should either be included
with the windbag distribution you are using, or it may be available on the
cd from which you obtained or installed the checked version of the kernel.

You do not need to be running the checked kernel to use windbag.

The transcript you provide below indicates that windbag and the target
system are communicating. First fix the kdextx86.dll mismatch, then I
suspect that the next problem will be that windbag does not know where to
look for the symbols for your driver.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 12:46 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Windbg setting up

Hi, all: I really appreciate all replies for my question about windbg
setting up. However, I still cannot get it work. I have tried
CNTL+Break, ^c and other options, but none of them can stop
the running
process in the target machine.

I connect the host machine (COM2) to target machine (COM1)
with a serial
cable. The following is my command and error message:

> l
Thread Create: Process=0, Thread=0
Kernel debugger waiting to connect on com2 @ 19200 baud
KDx86> !dd
Debugger extension library [kdextx86.dll] loaded

*** Extension DLL(1381 Free) does not match target system(0 Checked)

Physical memory read failed

KDx86> !drivers

*** Extension DLL(1381 Free) does not match target system(0 Checked)

Couldn’t get offset of PsLoadedModuleListHead

KDx86> g
KDx86> !dd
Cannot issue this command while target system is running

I tried to stop the running process of target machine, but I
failed every
time. Could anyone give more suggestion? Thanks.


Zhongsheng Wang
P. O. Box 500, M/S 50-480
Beaverton, OR 97077
Phone: (503) 627-5260

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