Windbg and NTCreateProcess. Monitor child created processes from CMD.exe

Hi everyone. Considering the use of NTcreateprocess and conditional breakpoints in Windbg how can I monitor child processes created from CMD.exe parent process?? I am not quite sure about how to use NTCreateProcess structure and how to identify process name to ask for it in a conditional breakpoint in windbg. Could you please provide me some light regarding to that? Thanks in advance. Regards.

You could do this:

1: kd> !process 0 0 cmd.exe
PROCESS ffffdd8e367cd0c0
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 0f10    Peb: 6be071c000  ParentCid: 0390
    DirBase: 1070e6002  ObjectTable: ffff800e62bb4dc0  HandleCount: 169.
    Image: cmd.exe

1: kd> bp /p ffffdd8e367cd0c0 nt!NtCreateUserProcess

If that’s not sufficient you could write a small driver that calls PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx and have that break based on whatever conditions you want.