win8 Visual Studio and inf files

I created a KMDF project from the KMDF template and the inf file has
the coinstaller section commented out and what is commented out is not
parameterized to work with stampinf. In other words, instead of


The template generated KMDF inf file has


Which hard codes the inf file to KMDF version 1.11 and is commented
out anyway and renders useless the project properties that set the
KMDF version number.

Is this a bug? The KMDF samples seem to have the right sort of inf
file. Actually they have ‘inx’ files, as did the legacy WDK.

I foolishly expected a bit more integration of driver project and inf
file. I guess I am not the only dev out there that loathes them.

Mark Roddy

Work in progress. The previous version coinstallers will not be in the kit. The idea behind supporting previous is that you want to target an os that has that wdf version natively , so need for the coinstaller


debt from my phone

From: Mark Roddy
Sent: 11/19/2011 2:18 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] win8 Visual Studio and inf files

I created a KMDF project from the KMDF template and the inf file has
the coinstaller section commented out and what is commented out is not
parameterized to work with stampinf. In other words, instead of


The template generated KMDF inf file has


Which hard codes the inf file to KMDF version 1.11 and is commented
out anyway and renders useless the project properties that set the
KMDF version number.

Is this a bug? The KMDF samples seem to have the right sort of inf
file. Actually they have ‘inx’ files, as did the legacy WDK.

I foolishly expected a bit more integration of driver project and inf
file. I guess I am not the only dev out there that loathes them.

Mark Roddy

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