win 8 xHCI consumer preview vs. developer preview

Hi all,

my usb driver works with the developer preview but fails with the
consumer preview.
This is what happens: Device is detected and driver is loaded. Access to
control endpoint 0 is working but opening other endpoints / pipes fails.
Any ideas what is going wrong here?


CP shipped with the new netmon parsers in the wdk. Have you generated an etw trace and loaded it in netmon to see if it has any relevant info?


debt from my phone

From: uwekirst
Sent: 5/9/2012 4:41 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] win 8 xHCI consumer preview vs. developer preview

Hi all,

my usb driver works with the developer preview but fails with the
consumer preview.
This is what happens: Device is detected and driver is loaded. Access to
control endpoint 0 is working but opening other endpoints / pipes fails.
Any ideas what is going wrong here?


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On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:42 PM, uwekirst wrote:
> Hi all,
> my usb driver works with the developer preview but fails
> with the consumer preview.
> This is what happens: Device is detected and driver is
> loaded. Access to control endpoint 0 is working but
> opening other endpoints / pipes fails.
> Any ideas what is going wrong here?

Just wondering if you are sure that this is related to
xHCI. Or if you are sure it is the driver and not the
user space codes.

In the libusbk project, we have some “clever
codes” which bypassed setupapi and the codes
work under XP/Vista/7 and Windows 8 Developer
Preview, but it failed under Windows 8 Consumer
Preview. We have to revert back to setupapi.

r232 to r244 are there to fix the problems
under Windows 8 CP and then optimize the codes.


"In the libusbk project, we have some “clever codes” which bypassed setupapi and the codes work under XP/Vista/7 and Windows 8 Developer Preview, but it failed under Windows 8 Consumer Preview. "

“Clever coding” is the plague of software. DON’T BE CLEVER. BE PROPER. If you try to curcumvent the proper APIs, it will come back and bite you in the rear.

I generated a trace with logman start Usbtrace but it doesn’t contain
information about the xHCI controllers in my system. There are only EHCI
and open HCD controllers listed.
How do I enable the traceing for xHCI?


Am 09.05.2012 16:21, schrieb Doron Holan:

CP shipped with the new netmon parsers in the wdk. Have you generated
an etw trace and loaded it in netmon to see if it has any relevant info?


debt from my phone

From: uwekirst
Sent: 5/9/2012 4:41 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] win 8 xHCI consumer preview vs. developer preview

Hi all,

my usb driver works with the developer preview but fails with the
consumer preview.
This is what happens: Device is detected and driver is loaded. Access to
control endpoint 0 is working but opening other endpoints / pipes fails.
Any ideas what is going wrong here?


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For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

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NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

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I don’t have issues with setupapi since my app enumerates my driver
(using setupapi) an can access control ep 0 via device ioctl functions.


Am 09.05.2012 18:05, schrieb

“In the libusbk project, we have some “clever codes” which bypassed setupapi and the codes work under XP/Vista/7 and Windows 8 Developer Preview, but it failed under Windows 8 Consumer Preview.”

“Clever coding” is the plague of software. DON’T BE CLEVER. BE PROPER. If you try to curcumvent the proper APIs, it will come back and bite you in the rear.

NTDEV is sponsored by OSR

For our schedule of WDF, WDM, debugging and other seminars visit:

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Try this:

logman create trace -n usb3trace -o .\usb3trace.etl -nb 128 640 -bs 128
logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-USBXHCI Default
logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-UCX Default,PartialDataBusTrace,StateMachine
logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-USBHUB3 Default,PartialDataBusTrace,StateMachine
logman start -n usb3trace

logman stop -n usb3trace
logman delete -n usb3trace

my device driver seems to work again (it turned out that my device had
another problem not releated to CP)
I also manged to capture a trace.
the 3rd command

logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-UCX Default,PartialDataBusTrace,StateMachine

was not succesfull for unknown reason.
I was not able to interprete the trace, the output was not human readable.
Do I need another parser? (I tried using the windows parser)


Am 10.05.2012 00:38, schrieb

Try this:

logman create trace -n usb3trace -o .\usb3trace.etl -nb 128 640 -bs 128
logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-USBXHCI Default
logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-UCX Default,PartialDataBusTrace,StateMachine
logman update trace -n usb3trace -p Microsoft-Windows-USB-USBHUB3 Default,PartialDataBusTrace,StateMachine
logman start -n usb3trace

> logman stop -n usb3trace
> logman delete -n usb3trace
> —
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