WHQL: TDM clients not showing up in Studio


I’m attempting to run WHQL tests against an unclassified driver. I have two Server 2008 R2 machines and have installed the WLK controller, client and studio software (version 1.6) according to the instructions. Both machines are part of the same domain. UNC (\controllername.…) access to the client and studio software worked fine so it appears that there are no DNS issues (but there could be subtle problems I’m not aware of, of course).

When I start Studio it shows me only the controller machine as an available machine. The client is not shown. How do I debug what’s going on? Is there a log somewhere that tells me why the client isn’t connected to the controller? I verified that the relevant services have firewall access (was properly configured by the installer) and that ipsec isn’t enabled (was in the troubleshooting guide).

Is my understanding of TDM correct in that I’m expecting the client names to show up in the right place?

All tips are much appreciated.



> it appears that there are no DNS issues (but there could be subtle problems I’m not aware of, of course).

Have you enabled the “Guest” account on the server?
