WHLK testing of virtual touchscreen driver

Hello, I'm working on KMDF driver which uses Virtual HID Framework to implement virtual touchscreen. This driver cannot pass both CHAOS tests due to the device error 43. But the same issues exist even for empty KMDF driver aka "Hello World" or for ECHO driver from MS samples (Windows-driver-samples/general/echo/kmdf/driver/AutoSync at main · microsoft/Windows-driver-samples · GitHub).

The question is what exactly should be picked as a target:

  1. This driver (54 tests will be added)
  2. “HID-complaint touch screen“ from “devices and printers“, 121 tests will be available for “HID-complaint touch screen“ and “Virtual HID Framework (VHF) HID device“ targets. Both targets are Microsoft supplied drivers and are part of Windows.

How to avoid CHAOS tests failures?