which tools can deasm the vxd file.

which tools can deasm the vxd file.
for the vxd file is not PE foramt.
I have found someone can do it.
But I don’t know how they do.
Any advice is welcome.
Good Day.

Best Regards
Jansen Zhu.

Andy Champ,
Thanks, I have download the IDA pro 4.00 demo version.
but it just support the PE formation file. I wish who can
give me a completely copy, which can deasm the vxd, if the
action is legal. Or tell me where to download it. thanks.
Yes I have gone a little off the topic of the ntfsd.
but I know there are lot of top level programmer, who
not only know the wdm but also expert to the vxd.

Best Regards
Jansen zhu.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: [ntfsd] which tools can deasm the vxd file.

> I suggest you look at IDA Pro, refer to www.datarescue.com.
> This is a bit off topic isn’t it? This mail list is for NT file system
> Andy Champ
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