where to get correct wow64.pdb with symbol info for structures

I am debugging remotely 32 bit (Wow64) user mode process running on Windows XP x64 SP2. Many commands like !teb don’t work as I have invalid wow64.pdb. It doesn’t contain symbol info for structure wow64!_TEB32. Commands show error like

error InitTypeRead( wow64!_TEB32 )…

I have installed Windows Debugging tools x64 (6.12.0002.633) on both machines, running dbgsrv server on XP x64 and Windbg client on Windows 7 x64.

This Wow64.pdb is downloaded from Microsoft Symbol Server. I also tried to download symbols for OS Win Server 2003 x64 SP2/Win XP x64 SP2 from http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/symbolpkg.mspx with the same result. After reloading the command dt wow64!* shows nothing.

Where should I get correct wow64.pdb?

Thanks in advance
Bronislav Gabrhelik

Not all public PDBs have the necessary type information to make the debugger
commands work. You can try submitting a bug against the command to see if
someone will get the types added to the PDBs (it has happened), though
you’re mostly just out of luck.


Scott Noone
Consulting Associate
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

wrote in message news:xxxxx@windbg…
> I am debugging remotely 32 bit (Wow64) user mode process running on
> Windows XP x64 SP2. Many commands like !teb don’t work as I have invalid
> wow64.pdb. It doesn’t contain symbol info for structure wow64!_TEB32.
> Commands show error like
> error InitTypeRead( wow64!_TEB32 )…
> I have installed Windows Debugging tools x64 (6.12.0002.633) on both
> machines, running dbgsrv server on XP x64 and Windbg client on Windows 7
> x64.
> This Wow64.pdb is downloaded from Microsoft Symbol Server. I also tried to
> download symbols for OS Win Server 2003 x64 SP2/Win XP x64 SP2 from
> http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/symbolpkg.mspx with the
> same result. After reloading the command dt wow64!* shows nothing.
> Where should I get correct wow64.pdb?
> Thanks in advance
> Bronislav Gabrhelik

Given where you’ve already checked, unfortunately, it sounds like you’re SOL, unless you can get msft to address this somehow.

If you’re just missing types (not symbols, that is), if you’re desperate, you can more or less fix this yourself, provided that you can come up with accurate definitions of the missing types. Basically, you just create a header file with the missing type definitions and then compile it with something like:

cl -c -Fd<wow64.pdb> -Tc<header.h>

Where <wow64.pdb> is the broken version. This should update the pdb with the typed definitions that you created in <header.h>.

I haven’t done this in a while, and that command line is a rough outline.

Good luck,


Thanks for you advices and time. I appreciate it.

Bronislav Gabrhelik