Since WHCK 2.0 are retired, I switch to WHCK 2.1 to run testing my kernel drivers on tablet PC.
Howerver, the “Device Manager” tab in HCK Studio is empty so I can not choose my drivers for test.
This only happen with the tablet (Windows 7 Pro x64). Run the HCK on desktop computer (same OS) the “Device Manager” show all the driver needed!
Is this issue just happen with the tablet PC? If so my drivers cannot be check by WHCK 2.1? because the WHCK 2.0 works fine with this tablet.
Pls help.
I have had this happen as well. I assume that you have removed the WHCK 2.0
client and installed the client from WHCK 2.1 on your tablet PC.
I can’t say there has always been a consistant way to have the device driver
appear but here are some things to try.
Create a session for testing and delete the session if device driver not
Right click on the tablet PC and select “Manual”, wait a minute or two then
select “Reset” wait for the last time communicated to be updated.
Remove the tablet PC from the group and then place it back in the group.
There was more thing I tried but I don’t have Studio running here so can’t
describe it very well but believe it was a way of selecting the platforms in
the top right hand side side of the screen.
P.S. I think alot of my problems are releated to swapping hard drives to
change Windows versions on my DTM clients.
Tks for the tips, I’ve tried the “Manual”, “Reset” thing and change the group of my test machine but the Device Manager tab still nothing.
I just not sure what you means by “delete the session”, is that equivalent with uncheck the machine from the “systems” tab?
If so then I also tried that too but have no luck so far.
My test machine have OS installed on drive C as default and do this WHCK testing through wifi since it does not have any ethernet port.
Any suggest? TKs
Sorry, I should have tried to find an image of Studio to have a better
reference of what I was trying to describe. Instead of “Session” I should
have said “Project”.
I will try and check my HCK test setup this evening for any more tips I may
have tried.
From the Job Monitor you can also change the status to “Unsafe” , the change status to “Reset”, wait for the system to become “Ready”. Press F5 to update the status periodically.
The last thing I have tried in the past is to use the “Configuration” to select Machine pools. It may help if you configure a different machine then come back and create a new project to the desired machine.
Again none of this is very direct way of getting your device to appear but eventually I was able to see my driver in the device manger.
Thanks, I dont have the test machine here right now but I will try your tips first thing in the next Mondays.
But I did delete and re-create the project many times and none of them works.
The device manager tab display nothing, not just my drivers but M$’ drivers as well. Just blank.
Now I think about migrate my test result on WHCK 2.0 to WHCK 2.1. Is that kind of method exists?
Many Thanks.
Hi, I’ve tried all of your tips and it still showing nothing. Maybe there was a hardware error somewhere but I just not sure about it.
I install the client into a desktop runing windows 7 and all the driver loaded normally.
The same device was once install Windows 8.1 and at that time, all driver were loaded normally as well.
If you have any other tips, please support.
I tried re-install the OS on both Client and Server machine and after installed the WHCK 2.1, the device manager tab still empty.
I means, at that moment, there is just Microsoft’s default drivers on the test machine, and it does not work at all.
This must be some hardware failure/error right? Because the device manager tab works normally with Windows 8.1 on the same test machine.
Are you using exactly the same device (computer system) with same hard
drive, network card, and other hardware to test the your driver?
So when you did the re-install of the client and server, you tried Windows
8.1 first, and where able to see your device in device manager, then
installed Windows 7 on the same hard drive and now are not able to see your
device in device manager?
As I mentioned, I have had reasonable success when I swap out the client
hard drive with each Windows OS installed. This way atleast the hard drive
serial number is differnet between the Windows 7 and 8.1 clients.
Hi, thanks for your reply, I really appreciate that.
Are you using exactly the same device (computer system) with same hard
drive, network card, and other hardware to test the your driver?
Yes, its all the same, both at Server and Client. I only install network driver to enable wifi network in order to connect to the Server machine since the tablet PC does not have an ethernet port.
So when you did the re-install of the client and server, you tried Windows
8.1 first, and where able to see your device in device manager, then
installed Windows 7 on the same hard drive and now are not able to see your
device in device manager?
At First the test machine have dual boot with Windows 8.1 (installed first) and Windows 7 (installed after). The WHCK 2.1 only works normally on Windows 8.1.
After your post mentioning about OS drive, I wiped out all the hard drive and install only Windows 7 on the test machine. Still nothing at “device manager”.
As I mentioned, I have had reasonable success when I swap out the client
hard drive with each Windows OS installed. This way atleast the hard drive
serial number is differnet between the Windows 7 and 8.1 clients.
Do you means that the WHCK 2.1 would works normally on Windows 7 if Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 both installed (dual boot)? I’ve tried that before, install each OS on separate partition of hard drive, drive C for Windows 8.1 and drive D for Windows 7. Sadly, that method did not work.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
Do you means that the WHCK 2.1 would works normally on Windows 7 if
Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 both installed (dual boot)? I’ve tried that
before, install each OS on separate partition of hard drive, drive C for
Windows 8.1 and drive D for Windows 7. Sadly, that method did not work.
I use two physically different hard drives and swap them when I need to boot
a different Windows OS, or even a third hard drive if I need to do some very
specific testing. This way the system looks a little bit different because
the serial number of the hard drive is different in each Windows OS that the
WHCK Studio program finds.
If you can’t swap the hard drive in your tablet you may need to invest in a
second tablet for this testing. Plus there is the issue with 32 / 64 bit
platforms with each Windows OS, so four tablets may be required. You might
want to try contacting xxxxx@microsoft.com if having four tablets is a
concern, but there may not be a solution to this issue short term.
Hi everybody, at last, the issue was solve!
I received support from M$ guy and here is the steps:
- Set the Machine into the Not Ready state (on Controller)
- Uninstall the HCK Client files from the test machine make sure you uninstall all these client files from the test machine?s programs and features applet.
a. HCK client,
b. WPTx64,
c. Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries,
d. Application Verifier x64 External Package and Windows Firewall Configuration Provider
3. Delete the Client machine from the HCK Controller and Studio
4. From the test client machine, Make sure you can access the Controller?s HCK Client install share as \\HCKInstall\HCKClient and install the HCK Client
5.locate test machine in the default pool folder in HCK controller and move it to a newly created pool.
6. verify that the machine is in a ready state
6. In HCK Studio , create a new project and select the controller pool with your newly added client test machine.
7. In HCK Studio , select the test machine and watch it be added to the test project
8. In HCK STUDIO, select the device manager tab and verify that you can see the devices listed for the test machine.1
But there is a bug in my head. I’ve even reinstalled the OS on both server and test machine, the device manager tab was empty all the time.
The only different at this time is I use the <controller_name> not the <controller_ip_address></controller_ip_address></controller_name>