whats wrong with this DSF code in vbscript?

Hello, im trying to get the below link to a vbscript file to work in a multiple mouse program im using. Im trying to add an additional emulated hardware mouse device using DSF so the program will create the extra mouse and i can send input reports to windows and the program pick them up.

From what i understand WM_INPUT needs to be used somewhere in the program wheter its an addin or not.

This is for a kinect project but i already have the kinect code mostly where i want it.

SOrry heres the link: http://kinectmultipoint.codeplex.com/releases/view/76567

Sorry heres the link

BTW, the descriptors im using are for the generic mouse it emulates a physical mouse device being plugged in.

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Okay, I have this code that i can guess is problamatic but i dont know that for sure and you will need the link if you need to change something else from the script unrelated to the code below (Im actually trying not to be rude and sorry about the double post it was an accident because i accidental pressed enter twice or the mouse button):

Dim InputReport1(4)
InputReport1(0) = CByte(0)
InputReport1(1) = CByte(100)
InputReport1(2) = CByte(100)
InputReport1(3) = CByte(0)
InputReport1(4) = CByte(0)

'PromptAndWaitForEnterKey “Queue input reports for processing”
GenericHIDDev.QueueInputReport(InputReport1), 10

'PromptAndWaitForEnterKey “Wait for the device to finish enumerating. Press enter to start processing input reports.”
WriteLine “You may send additional input reports at this time…”
PromptAndWaitForEnterKey “Press enter at any time to stop processing input reports and start cleanup.”

My target program is mouse mischief too that im trying to get to pick up my emulated mouse movement in dsf for first stage then im going to send clicks it for a test with the kinect (Yes i already have that code done to a point but certain parts are not fully finished yet but most of it is). Since i cant edit posts im stuck with anything i forgot putting as a reply.

(a) A newsgroup is not an instant messaging system.
(b) Please read, understand, and act on the link I gave you.

I know i just want it to work even if it takes a whole day or two. Im not being rude because the last place i asked for help for this someone posted that it wasn’t their “field of expertise” and they constantly develop device drivers.

dear mr the thinker,

Nearly all of the same people who read this forum also read the wdk forum. This forum is much less forgiving when treated like a chat interface or stream of consciousness


debt from my phone

From: xxxxx@gmail.com
Sent: 11/15/2011 7:13 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE:[ntdev] whats wrong with this DSF code in vbscript?

I know i just want it to work even if it takes a whole day or two. Im not being rude because the last place i asked for help for this someone posted that it wasn’t their “field of expertise” and they constantly develop device drivers.

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My main goal is im trying to make 4 emulated mouse, get them to show up in mouse mischief, move each one around (independently), click with each one(independently). Also, the objective is for an educational kinect project in which kinect joint postions (joints.position.x and y for tracked people and data.position.x and y for non tracked people for getting mouse position).

In essence think of the script edit as a modified test of the kinect mouse project except im trying to create the emulate mouse because mouse mischief requires them (can use spy ++ to show windows messages from powerpoint since mouse mischief is a powerpoint add-on)

Like i said i tryed on microsoft forums and got nothing but its impossible for to know everything in driver dev (newbie to driver dev. and this list). My script is really big if i post it all here someone might not respond.

This objective is fundamentally incompatible with Windows. It is not
difficult to imagine multiple independent mouse queues, but how will GDI,
MFC or .NET applications that depend on being able to track the cursor
behave? This is why when multiple mouse devices are connected to the
system, the result is superposition of effects

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…

My main goal is im trying to make 4 emulated mouse, get them to show up in
mouse mischief, move each one around (independently), click with each
one(independently). Also, the objective is for an educational kinect project
in which kinect joint postions (joints.position.x and y for tracked people
and data.position.x and y for non tracked people for getting mouse

In essence think of the script edit as a modified test of the kinect mouse
project except im trying to create the emulate mouse because mouse mischief
requires them (can use spy ++ to show windows messages from powerpoint since
mouse mischief is a powerpoint add-on)

Like i said i tryed on microsoft forums and got nothing but its impossible
for to know everything in driver dev (newbie to driver dev. and this list).
My script is really big if i post it all here someone might not respond.

How will they cope? Ask Microsoft and their MultiPoint Mouse software development kit!

For the history of this see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Multipoint_Mouse


From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com [xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of m [xxxxx@hotmail.com]
Sent: 16 November 2011 01:19
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] whats wrong with this DSF code in vbscript?

This objective is fundamentally incompatible with Windows. It is not
difficult to imagine multiple independent mouse queues, but how will GDI,
MFC or .NET applications that depend on being able to track the cursor
behave? This is why when multiple mouse devices are connected to the
system, the result is superposition of effects