what would be the proper location to store the information required by the driver?

I am looking at having a miniFilter driver to monitor access to certain applications. The list of applications to be monitored can change over a period of time.

I was toying with the idea of keeping this information in the registry. Is this a good idea or is it better to keep it in a file.

Any suggestions would be absolutely welcome.


A period of time? Eons, millennia, centuries, decades, years, months,
weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds?

Security? Who can change the list? Local computer user or administrator,
domain administrator, or vendor?

How will a minifilter ‘monitor access to certain applications’? Whose
access? What do you mean by access?

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi,
> I am looking at having a miniFilter driver to monitor access to certain
> applications. The list of applications to be monitored can change over a
> period of time.
> I was toying with the idea of keeping this information in the registry. Is
> this a good idea or is it better to keep it in a file.
> Any suggestions would be absolutely welcome.
> Regards,
> prasanta

“A period of time? Eons, millennia, centuries, decades, years, months,
weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds?”

period of time can be any thing.User has to enter this data through some GUI and when ever he wants to enter the data he can.

“Who can change the list? Local computer user or administrator,
domain administrator, or vendor?” The lsit can be changed by any one not only ADMINISTRATOR.

“How will a minifilter ‘monitor access to certain applications’? Whose
access? What do you mean by access?”
Access here means the access to the file system can be monitered by the minifilter.

please through some light on my last question after this input.