what routine should i use here

Hi , Most of you know when we download a file from Internet ( let’s take a Compressed Arc ) it will be First saved in the Temp Dir till finished then it will be saved into the designed place .

So i want to hook ( Intercept ) this Operation what routine should be used here :

ZwCreateFile or ZwWriteFile , in other word when i select to download a file and when it’s saved in the Temp Dir What’s done here ( CreateFile or WriteFile )…

thank you all

You can not use writefile without createfile. I hope it answer ur question.

Why you want to do hooking? Special reasons, any?

Write a minifilter.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi , Most of you know when we download a file from Internet ( let’s take a Compressed Arc ) it will be First saved in the Temp Dir till finished then it will be saved into the designed place .
> So i want to hook ( Intercept ) this Operation what routine should be used here :
> ZwCreateFile or ZwWriteFile , in other word when i select to download a file and when it’s saved in the Temp Dir What’s done here ( CreateFile or WriteFile )…
> thank you all