What is the communication port/protocol/authentication for the SetupDixxxEx functions


can someone please tell me what the communcation port, the authentication method and the transport protocol for the SetupDixxxEx functions is, if one tries to get information from a remote system by using these functions? What services/drivers are involved in the query from machine A to machine B? I am asking this to prepare my code for situations where a specific requirement is not meet for accessing these functions like missing access rights, closed port, non running services vital for accessing the remote information.



This is all documented as a part of the justice department consent decree. The protocol is in that whole slew of docs (I don’t have a link handy)


debt from my phone

From: xxxxx@arcor.de
Sent: 3/9/2012 6:33 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] What is the communication port/protocol/authentication for the SetupDixxxEx functions


can someone please tell me what the communcation port, the authentication method and the transport protocol for the SetupDixxxEx functions is, if one tries to get information from a remote system by using these functions? What services/drivers are involved in the query from machine A to machine B? I am asking this to prepare my code for situations where a specific requirement is not meet for accessing these functions like missing access rights, closed port, non running services vital for accessing the remote information.



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