Hi All,
When I get IRP_MN_START_DEVICE for my memory mapped
PCI device, along with CmResourceTypeInterrupt and
CmResourceTypeMemory, I also get
CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate. How am I supposed to
process this ?
Thanks for all help
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Your driver must leave that resource alone, unless your driver is the bus
driver for that bus, in which case it should know how to handle that type on
a bus-specific basis.
Timothy A. Johns — xxxxx@driverdev.com
Driver Development Corporation — 800.841.0092
Bring Up Your Hardware — Fast. www.driverdev.com
Subject: [ntdev] What is CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate ?
Hi All,
When I get IRP_MN_START_DEVICE for my memory mapped
PCI device, along with CmResourceTypeInterrupt and
CmResourceTypeMemory, I also get
CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate. How am I supposed to
process this ?
Thanks for all help
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