what cause system reboot instead of being powered off?


I just installed a driver for win2k. And since then the system always reboot and not power off
when I want to shutdown down system. Who could give me some suggestion?


You have a bad driver and you have your system set up to automatically
reboot on a System Failure.

Right Click on My Computer.

Select Properties

Select Advanced

Un check Automatically reboot in System Failure area.

This will probably give you a blue screen for your failing driver which will
have info that will help the driver writer debug their driver.

You should probably remove the driver.

Marc Reinig
System Solutions

“craiglei” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hi
> I just installed a driver for win2k. And since then the system always
reboot and not power off
> when I want to shutdown down system. Who could give me some suggestion?
> craig