I have taken over support of a legacy driver that was written for NT 4 and
am now attempting to port it to Windows 2000. I have successfully compiled
the driver with the Windows 2000 DDK and am now attempting to install the
driver. If I use the same installation program on Windows 2000 as NT 4 all
of the proper registry settings are made, at least all of the ones I know
about. But when I go into the Computer Management screen and go to the
Device manager and tell it to display “Hidden Devices” I can not find my
driver. I know I must be missing something very simple to get this to be
visible, but I don’t know exactly where to look. I have been trying to go
through the DDK TechNet and the books I have but so far to now avail. If I
take the same install program and run it on NT 4 the driver appears and is
available to start/stop, etc. and life is good.
Any one who can help please give be a hand.
Scott A. Thomas, MCSE, MCP+I
BASS, Inc.
495 Byers Rd.
Miamisburg, OH 45342-3662