!wdfdriverinfo command

Sorry about the aborted previous post…

I am using Win XP SP2 as my source machine and Win 2K SP4 and my target machine. When I do a !wdfdriverinfo xxxx 0xf0 (where xxxx is my driver image name), I get the following results:

warning: Cound not read the WdfBindInfo pointer
Default driver image name: xxxx
WDF library image name:
FxDriverGlobals 0x84553cc0
WdfBindInfo 0x00000000

Driver Handles is NULL

I get Debug messages from my driver in WinDBG. What am I missing here? I was able to successfully use this command with 5600.

What is your symbols path? You need to have your private symbols and
the MSFT public symbol server in the path for wdfkd to work


-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
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Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:55 PM
To: Kernel Debugging Interest List
Subject: [windbg] !wdfdriverinfo command

Sorry about the aborted previous post…

I am using Win XP SP2 as my source machine and Win 2K SP4 and my target
machine. When I do a !wdfdriverinfo xxxx 0xf0 (where xxxx is my driver
image name), I get the following results:

warning: Cound not read the WdfBindInfo pointer
Default driver image name: xxxx
WDF library image name:
FxDriverGlobals 0x84553cc0
WdfBindInfo 0x00000000

Driver Handles is NULL

I get Debug messages from my driver in WinDBG. What am I missing here?
I was able to successfully use this command with 5600.

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My symbols path is (from WinDBG): src*c:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;;C:\WinDDK\6000\src\kmdf\xxxx\sys\final\objchk_w2k_x86\i386

where xxx is the driver name. I am modifying the osrusbfx2 usb sample code. I copied this source into a new subdirectory and I am modifying it. I just noticed the ‘;;’ in the path, but I don’t think that should make a difference. The xxxx.pdb file is in my \i386 directory. This is on my host (XP) machine, not on the target machine (2K). On the target machine, the proper registry entries have been set under the parameter/wdf for the driver.

I remember working with the 1.1 version of KMDF and having to have a path to the debug symbols, but I remember you stating that with 1.5 (in 5600) that the symbols moved to the public server.

I am running the latest version of WinDBG available for download from the microsoft public site.