WDF drivers write ports and physical memory?

Does a WDF Driver have the ability to manipulate IO
Ports and physical memory?

I had written an NT Device Driver at one point for a
device that pretty much consisted of manipulating
physical memory and IO Ports. From what I can tell,
perhaps a WDF driver will not be the best way to do
My boss strongly suggests using WDF. I have read a
article called M vs F at OSR. It looks like WDF is
pretty much a way to write filter drivers. How do I
go forward?

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Yes KMDF drivers (the WDF kernel mode) can and do write physical memory and
I/O ports.

Since you called your last driver an NT driver, I suspect you did not deal
with plug and play or power. If you have not you may not realize that
these add up to a large amount of code that can be painful to get right.
This is where KMDF comes into play since it handles all of this for you.
Since you are talking a physical device (i.e. ports and memory) you
absolutely need to support PnP.

Take a look at PCIDRV in KMDF this shows you how to work with hardware. I
would not write a driver for a physical device in WDM any more.

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
Website: http://www.windrvr.com
Blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/WinDrvr
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“Asher Hoodin” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Does a WDF Driver have the ability to manipulate IO
> Ports and physical memory?
> I had written an NT Device Driver at one point for a
> device that pretty much consisted of manipulating
> physical memory and IO Ports. From what I can tell,
> perhaps a WDF driver will not be the best way to do
> this.
> My boss strongly suggests using WDF. I have read a
> article called M vs F at OSR. It looks like WDF is
> pretty much a way to write filter drivers. How do I
> go forward?
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