Vista checked kernel and HAL question

Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding, installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the wim image file of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all the checked binaries.

However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and kernel my Vista 32 bit target uses. The usual method of checking in \Windows\repair\setup.log does not work, because it does not exist. Checking the device manager is fruitless as well, because the “computer” device says that it uses hall.dll, halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all being used! Indeed, all three files are copied into system32. Similarly, the kernel images in system32 are ntkrnlpa.exe and ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual core, no PAE. Since this is a Dell machine, there are no chipset details handy, though I’m told the chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.

Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both these approaches provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does anyone know the proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is being used by a Vista install?

thank you,

Philip Lukidis

I’m sure there’s a more elegant way, but after also hitting this problem I
resorted to using WinDBG to figure it out. Just break into the target
machine and do:

kd>lmv mnt
kd>lmv mhal

This will tell you what PDB files are being used for the images, which will
give you the original file names (I dare anyone to find a more round-a-bout


Scott Noone
Software Engineer
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Philip Lukidis” wrote in message
Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding,
installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the wim image file
of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all the checked

However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and kernel my Vista 32
bit target uses. The usual method of checking in \Windows\repair\setup.log
does not work, because it does not exist. Checking the device manager is
fruitless as well, because the “computer” device says that it uses hall.dll,
halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all being used! Indeed, all three files
are copied into system32. Similarly, the kernel images in system32 are
ntkrnlpa.exe and ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual core, no PAE.
Since this is a Dell machine, there are no chipset details handy, though I’m
told the chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.

Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in
conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both these approaches
provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does anyone know the
proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is being used by a Vista

thank you,

Philip Lukidis


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Philip Lukidis
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 11:35 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Vista checked kernel and HAL question

Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding,
installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the wim image
file of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all the
checked binaries.

However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and kernel my Vista
32 bit target uses. The usual method of checking in
\Windows\repair\setup.log does not work, because it does not exist.
Checking the device manager is fruitless as well, because the “computer”
device says that it uses hall.dll, halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all
being used! Indeed, all three files are copied into system32.
Similarly, the kernel images in system32 are ntkrnlpa.exe and
ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual core, no PAE. Since this is
a Dell machine, there are no chipset details handy, though I’m told the
chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.

Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in
conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both these
approaches provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does
anyone know the proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is
being used by a Vista install?

thank you,

Philip Lukidis

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Filever is your friend.

Filever -v c:\windows\system32\hal.dll

–a-- W32i DLL ENU 6.0.6000.16386 shp 160,872 11-02-2006 hal.dll
Language 0x0409 (English (United States))
CharSet 0x04b0 Unicode
OleSelfRegister Disabled
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL
InternalName halmacpi.dll
OriginalFilename halmacpi.dll
ProductName Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Operating System
ProductVersion 6.0.6000.16386
FileVersion 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
LegalCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights

Signature: feef04bd
Struc Ver: 00010000
FileVer: 00060000:17704002 (6.0:6000.16386)
ProdVer: 00060000:17704002 (6.0:6000.16386)
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00040004 NT Win32
FileType: 00000002 Dll
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000

See “InternalName”.

This should work for ntoskrnl.exe also.

It looks like you can download a pack that includes filever.exe from


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Philip Lukidis
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 11:35 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Vista checked kernel and HAL question

Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding,
installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the wim image
file of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all the
checked binaries.

However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and kernel my Vista
32 bit target uses. The usual method of checking in
\Windows\repair\setup.log does not work, because it does not exist.
Checking the device manager is fruitless as well, because the “computer”
device says that it uses hall.dll, halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all
being used! Indeed, all three files are copied into system32.
Similarly, the kernel images in system32 are ntkrnlpa.exe and
ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual core, no PAE. Since this is
a Dell machine, there are no chipset details handy, though I’m told the
chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.

Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in
conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both these
approaches provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does
anyone know the proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is
being used by a Vista install?

thank you,

Philip Lukidis

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Thanks very much for your reply. This indeed works. I should mention that I was contacted (extremely swiftly!) offlist which the same solution. The reply was offlist because the sender was having some email issues.

thanks to all,

Philip Lukidis

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Scott Noone
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:49 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: Re:[ntdev] Vista checked kernel and HAL question

I’m sure there’s a more elegant way, but after also hitting
this problem I
resorted to using WinDBG to figure it out. Just break into the target
machine and do:

kd>lmv mnt
kd>lmv mhal

This will tell you what PDB files are being used for the
images, which will
give you the original file names (I dare anyone to find a
more round-a-bout


Scott Noone
Software Engineer
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.

“Philip Lukidis” wrote in message
> news:xxxxx@ntdev…
> Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding,
> installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the
> wim image file
> of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all
> the checked
> binaries.
> However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and
> kernel my Vista 32
> bit target uses. The usual method of checking in
> \Windows\repair\setup.log
> does not work, because it does not exist. Checking the
> device manager is
> fruitless as well, because the “computer” device says that it
> uses hall.dll,
> halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all being used! Indeed,
> all three files
> are copied into system32. Similarly, the kernel images in
> system32 are
> ntkrnlpa.exe and ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual
> core, no PAE.
> Since this is a Dell machine, there are no chipset details
> handy, though I’m
> told the chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.
> Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in
> conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both
> these approaches
> provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does
> anyone know the
> proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is being
> used by a Vista
> install?
> thank you,
> Philip Lukidis
> —
> Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Thanks for that. I was looking for the internal name in the binary properties, which does show up under WinXP’s explorer. I had no idea that I needed a utility apart from the shell to find this out under Vista.

Philip Lukidis

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Peter Wieland
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:55 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] Vista checked kernel and HAL question

Filever is your friend.

Filever -v c:\windows\system32\hal.dll

–a-- W32i DLL ENU 6.0.6000.16386 shp 160,872 11-02-2006 hal.dll
Language 0x0409 (English (United States))
CharSet 0x04b0 Unicode
OleSelfRegister Disabled
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL
InternalName halmacpi.dll
OriginalFilename halmacpi.dll
ProductName Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Operating System
ProductVersion 6.0.6000.16386
FileVersion 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
LegalCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights

Signature: feef04bd
Struc Ver: 00010000
FileVer: 00060000:17704002 (6.0:6000.16386)
ProdVer: 00060000:17704002 (6.0:6000.16386)
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00040004 NT Win32
FileType: 00000002 Dll
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000

See “InternalName”.

This should work for ntoskrnl.exe also.

It looks like you can download a pack that includes filever.exe from


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Philip Lukidis
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 11:35 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Vista checked kernel and HAL question

Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding,
installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the wim image
file of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all the
checked binaries.

However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and kernel my Vista
32 bit target uses. The usual method of checking in
\Windows\repair\setup.log does not work, because it does not exist.
Checking the device manager is fruitless as well, because the “computer”
device says that it uses hall.dll, halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all
being used! Indeed, all three files are copied into system32.
Similarly, the kernel images in system32 are ntkrnlpa.exe and
ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual core, no PAE. Since this is
a Dell machine, there are no chipset details handy, though I’m told the
chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.

Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in
conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both these
approaches provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does
anyone know the proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is
being used by a Vista install?

thank you,

Philip Lukidis

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at

By the way, any modern (32-bit) machine with more than one core/hyperthread
will be running halmacpi.dll.

  • Jake Oshins
    Windows Kernel Team

“Peter Wieland” wrote in message
Filever is your friend.

Filever -v c:\windows\system32\hal.dll

–a-- W32i DLL ENU 6.0.6000.16386 shp 160,872 11-02-2006 hal.dll
Language 0x0409 (English (United States))
CharSet 0x04b0 Unicode
OleSelfRegister Disabled
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL
InternalName halmacpi.dll
OriginalFilename halmacpi.dll
ProductName Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Operating System
ProductVersion 6.0.6000.16386
FileVersion 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
LegalCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights

Signature: feef04bd
Struc Ver: 00010000
FileVer: 00060000:17704002 (6.0:6000.16386)
ProdVer: 00060000:17704002 (6.0:6000.16386)
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00040004 NT Win32
FileType: 00000002 Dll
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000

See “InternalName”.

This should work for ntoskrnl.exe also.

It looks like you can download a pack that includes filever.exe from


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Philip Lukidis
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 11:35 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Vista checked kernel and HAL question

Hello. After going through a marvelous and fun process of finding,
installing, and getting imagex to work, I finally mounted the wim image
file of Vista 32bit checked OS. From there, I have access to all the
checked binaries.

However, I am having trouble figuring out which HAL and kernel my Vista
32 bit target uses. The usual method of checking in
\Windows\repair\setup.log does not work, because it does not exist.
Checking the device manager is fruitless as well, because the “computer”
device says that it uses hall.dll, halacpi.dll, and halmacpi.dll are all
being used! Indeed, all three files are copied into system32.
Similarly, the kernel images in system32 are ntkrnlpa.exe and
ntoskrnl.exe. My machine is an Nvidia dual core, no PAE. Since this is
a Dell machine, there are no chipset details handy, though I’m told the
chipset is an AMD430, with dual core AMD64 procs.

Since my target is a dual core machine, I tried using halmacpi, in
conjunction with ntkrnlpa and later with ntkrnlmp. Both these
approaches provoked a failure to boot. So, instead of guessing, does
anyone know the proper procedure to know which hal and which kernel is
being used by a Vista install?

thank you,

Philip Lukidis

Questions? First check the Kernel Driver FAQ at

To unsubscribe, visit the List Server section of OSR Online at