Hello All,
We are working on this driver feature wherein it requires *virtualization* layer for the usb to serial function driver developed using kmdf
Wherein we created control device obj and redirect app handle to this Device obj to manage app originated WDF Requests to cdo and in-turn forwarding the same requests to the pnp DO
This scenario works fine if single device is present
In case of no device, from CDO only we are completing these Requests.
However when we plan to extend the same to multiple devices we have few challenges
- Is it possible to create multiple CDOs? (may not be, as we are facing few issues in managing single CDO only)
- Or we need replace CDO with normal DO?
With the 2nd option we face a challenge - one cannot create additional DO for a pnp DO since we do not get WDFDEVICE_INIT for this additional DO
And hence this is the one of the reason we went initially using Control device object as we can use WdfControlDeviceInitAllocate
However using wdm this can be achieved but the driver we are working is a KMDF
Any inputs to handle above scenario will be helpful