VFAT checksum corruption


A friend of mine somehow managed to save a file to his desktop that can’t be
deleted or opened anymore.
When checking his FAT the short name of that file has an invalid character
in it (not capital) and therefore the checksum is not valid.

Is there a check tool (Scandisk does not detect it) that detects and fixes
these kind of problems?


try to delete it using “del *” on the command line. Once I have succeeded
the similar problem :slight_smile:


Did try that, but does not work (The system cannot find the file specified.)

A way to reproduce this behavior:

  • get a 1.44MB disc and create a file like test.txt
  • open disk with disk editor (like Norton DiskEdit)
  • find “TEXT TXT”
  • change it to “TeST TXT”
  • save and exit DiskEdit

File is shown in listings, but can’t be openend or deleted anymore.

I ‘fixed’ it by changing the name back to the correct syntax, but this will
be imposible for a normal user.
So therefore my question if there is a program that can detect and fix these
kind of problems.


“Ladislav Zezula” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> try to delete it using “del *” on the command line. Once I have succeeded
> with
> the similar problem :slight_smile:
> L.