VBI mini driver with USB Bulk transfer

I am writing a VBI mini driver using USB Bulk transfer for Windows
The Windows 98/2000 DDK sample olny has USB ISO stream class sample
source code for “VideoCap”. But, the bulkusb sample is not stream class
driver. Where can I find “Bulk stream class” driver source code? Or where
can I find VBI mini driver source code or other information?
Thanks for your answer!!!


I am writing a VBI mini driver using USB Bulk transfer for Windows
The Windows 98/2000 DDK sample olny has USB ISO stream class sample
source code for “VideoCap”. But, the bulkusb sample is not stream class
driver. Where can I find “Bulk stream class” driver source code? Or where
can I find VBI mini driver source code or other information?
Thanks for your answer!!!
