Using Devcon for installing a protocol driver


My stack contains a root enumerated virtual driver.
For that I am able to use DevCon to do the install.

But for my protocol driver I am not able to use it. When I do “devcon hwdis *”.
It shows below for my protocol driver

Name: My Protocol Driver
No hardware/compatible ID’s available for this device.

My INF looks like below
Class = NetTrans


;%MyPROT_Desc%=Install, root\MyPROT
;%MyPROT_Desc%=Install, NetTrans\MyPROT
;%MyPROT_Desc%=Install, MS_NDISPROT

I tried all these ids’s. It does not install through DevCon
Can anyone tell me which (psuedo) ID I should use or what ID I should use so that I can install my protocol driver from cmd-line without going to network-connections etc.
For the same INF, going to net-connections and installing protocol, works.

You can’t use DevCon to install a NDIS driver. Use the INetCfg API as illustrated in the BindView DDK application.

There is some additional information at See the URL:

Good luck,

Thomas F. Divine

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:bounce-303706-] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 9:48 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Using Devcon for installing a protocol driver


My stack contains a root enumerated virtual driver.
For that I am able to use DevCon to do the install.

But for my protocol driver I am not able to use it. When I do “devcon
hwdis *”.
It shows below for my protocol driver

Name: My Protocol Driver
No hardware/compatible ID’s available for this device.

My INF looks like below
Class = NetTrans


;%MyPROT_Desc%=Install, root\MyPROT
;%MyPROT_Desc%=Install, NetTrans\MyPROT
;%MyPROT_Desc%=Install, MS_NDISPROT

I tried all these ids’s. It does not install through DevCon
Can anyone tell me which (psuedo) ID I should use or what ID I should
use so that I can install my protocol driver from cmd-line without
going to network-connections etc.
For the same INF, going to net-connections and installing protocol,

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Thanks. I downloaded from and changed for my protocol.