USB Mass storage device installation asking for PC reboot some times....


On my pc (Win-XP, SP2) when I connect the USB Pen drive it is observed that, sometimes it asks for reboot. (Not always).

In the setupapi.log file following things are logged when this situation happen.

"Query-removal during install of “STORAGE\REMOVABLEMEDIA\4&2D5C7C0E&0&RM” was vetoed by “STORAGE\RemovableMedia\4&2d5c7c0e&0&RM” (veto type 6:

#W104 Device “STORAGE\REMOVABLEMEDIA\4&2D5C7C0E&0&RM” required reboot: Query remove failed (install) CfgMgr32 returned: 0x17: CR_REMOVE_VETOED."

May I know the reason for this behavior? Is it a known issue of OS? How can I get rid of this?

Thanks in advance,