USB Disk Filter

Hi there,

I am researching the ways to develop a disk encryption for USB disks. I am going to use KMDF to create this filter. There are some questions which I need to get cleared before i embark on development.

  1. What kind of driver should i develop? A volume filter or a disk filter for USB disks.

  2. Does the storage stack of a USB disk is same as a normal hard disk? I mean if I create a upper filter for Volume manager will it filter all the calls to USB disks.


> 2) Does the storage stack of a USB disk is same as a normal hard disk? I mean if I create a upper

filter for Volume manager will it filter all the calls to USB disks.

Volume manager and Disk/ClassPnP.sys are the same. Even the upper-edge interface to USBSTOR is the same as for all storage ports.

Below this edge, everything is USB-specific.

Maxim S. Shatskih
Windows DDK MVP