unicode string compare

Hello everbody,
I want to compare two unicode string with length in my driver.
It looks like what strnicmp does.
RtlCompareUnicodeString can not do it!
How can I do it?
thank you very much!


Gary G. Little
Seagate Technologies, LLC
“SCT$B!K(BLijianping” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
Hello everbody,
I want to compare two unicode string with length in my driver.
It looks like what strnicmp does.
RtlCompareUnicodeString can not do it!
How can I do it?
thank you very much!


cross post alert
“SCT$B!K(BLijianping” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
Hello everbody,
I want to compare two unicode string with length in my driver.
It looks like what strnicmp does.
RtlCompareUnicodeString can not do it!
How can I do it?
thank you very much!