UMDF Driver Installation


I have had not luck to install a UMDF driver on Windows XP SP2
I assume I must download the UMDF Install Kit for Windows XP and
install it. After that the WUDF service is not running.
OK - I have used
NET START wudfpf and
NET START wudvsvc

To minimize my errors I try to install the WDK sample driver.
But no success. Everey time I got an Error 0xE000203.

So my question, the sample INF files use a catalog
Where is it ?

Is this a right entry in INF file, or must I insert the right version

What is rigth way to install UMDF on a custom computer for Windows XP
SP2 ?


Did you run stampinf with the correct cmd line? The from the sample you copied shows you what the command line should be. “WUDFUpdate_$UMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$.dll” is not correct, WUDFUpdate_01005.dll will be the final result string that should be in your inf. I am guessing you took an inx file and just renamed it as an INF…


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of MailingList
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 10:49 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] UMDF Driver Installation


I have had not luck to install a UMDF driver on Windows XP SP2
I assume I must download the UMDF Install Kit for Windows XP and
install it. After that the WUDF service is not running.
OK - I have used
NET START wudfpf and
NET START wudvsvc

To minimize my errors I try to install the WDK sample driver.
But no success. Everey time I got an Error 0xE000203.

So my question, the sample INF files use a catalog
Where is it ?

Is this a right entry in INF file, or must I insert the right version

What is rigth way to install UMDF on a custom computer for Windows XP
SP2 ?


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