Trying to associate reads with a create

Hi, I’m creating a minifilter that, for certain files, in the preread function I am filling in my own buffer and completeing the operation. I do all the checks for the file (extension, volume, etc.) in the create section so that it is only done once for each create, then I store it in a generic table (the files will be very few that i am looking at).

The problem is that I can’t figure out what to store in the table in the postcreate that I can then read out in the preread to match and say that this is one of the files I care about. ( RtlInsertElementGenericTable(&Table, ???, sizeof(???), &inserted); ).

Thank you in advance for any help!

This is what a context is for, you do not need a table. Look at “Managing
Contexts” under the IFS Design Guide. Using a generic table is really the
wrong idea here.

Don Burn (MVP, Windows DDK)
Windows 2k/XP/2k3 Filesystem and Driver Consulting
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wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi, I’m creating a minifilter that, for certain files, in the preread
> function I am filling in my own buffer and completeing the operation. I do
> all the checks for the file (extension, volume, etc.) in the create
> section so that it is only done once for each create, then I store it in a
> generic table (the files will be very few that i am looking at).
> The problem is that I can’t figure out what to store in the table in the
> postcreate that I can then read out in the preread to match and say that
> this is one of the files I care about. (
> RtlInsertElementGenericTable(&Table, ???, sizeof(???), &inserted); ).
> Thank you in advance for any help!

Thanks Don, I’m looking at that right now. Trying to get into the IFS paradigm from an NDIS background :slight_smile:

I think that FltMgr provides you the stream contexts exactly to avoid you
from maintaining any such tables yourself.

Maxim Shatskih, Windows DDK MVP
StorageCraft Corporation

wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> Hi, I’m creating a minifilter that, for certain files, in the preread
function I am filling in my own buffer and completeing the operation. I do all
the checks for the file (extension, volume, etc.) in the create section so that
it is only done once for each create, then I store it in a generic table (the
files will be very few that i am looking at).
> The problem is that I can’t figure out what to store in the table in the
postcreate that I can then read out in the preread to match and say that this
is one of the files I care about. ( RtlInsertElementGenericTable(&Table, ???,
sizeof(???), &inserted); ).
> Thank you in advance for any help!