Trouble getting the volume manager to connect to my Disk Driver


I am devoloping a disk storage driver. I am using the DDK disk driver as
reference. My problem is this. I have my driver loaded and running
txtmode setup. All files get transfered over to the harddisk that my
controls. I reboot and the system comes up in GUI mode setup. The first
thing it does is start transferring the files from the temporary directory
it created during txtmode setup to the \winnt directory. This is where
problem occurs.

It tries to take the files from source destination
\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume1$win_nt$.~ls\i386. Unfortunately it is
not successful in finding the file at this location. The first file it
tries to find is nt5cat.inf. If I manually set the destination to
c:$win_nt$.~ls\i386 the file is found.

I believe that \Device\HarddiskVolume1 is the Device Object that the
Manager creates from my partition instance created by my Disk driver. I
have followed all of the steps done in the DDK disk driver example. I’m

Thanks In Advance for the help,