TraceView on W2k3 sp1 checked

I got around to using WPP tracing with traceview on my current driver, and
see traceview spits out many messages when running on the full checked build
of the OS. Many messages are from comctlv6 saying fun stuff like:

comctlv6 RIP: ListView: Invalid iSubItem: 2089014700

comctlv6 RIP: ListView: Invalid iSubItem: 2089014700

comctlv6 RIP: HDM_GETITEM: Invalid item number 8

comctlv6 RIP: LVM_GETCOLUMN: Invalid column number 8

comctlv6 RIP: HDM_GETITEM: Invalid item number 8

It sounds like I can have nice tracing in my driver OR I can debug under the
checked build, but not both. Am I the only person who finds it attractive to
run an OS that automatically finds many bugs?

DbgPrintEx sounds really attractive again.

  • Jan

I’m a checked build fan… well, at least I’m a fan of the checked kernel and HAL.

I agree that’s darn ugly. I haven’t tried it, but you might want to try the latest version of TraceView from the WDK.

Assuming you’re on the Vista or WDK beta and the problem is present in a recent version, please file a bug about this so it’ll get fixed. Diagnostic tools that themselves cause diagnostic messages are more annoying than no diagnostic tool at all!


Lots of problems have been fixed with Traceview, but if they have not
reached the WDK yet then you can use

Tracelog to control the tracing (start/stop the tracing session)
Tracefmt to view the event log file or if you start the session with -rt
you can view the events in real-time just like Traceview.

Tracepdb.exe extracts the TMF files out of the PDB, you will need the
TMF files to view the events.

A simple scripts can do all this for you.

Look for further documentation on the tools in MSDN.


Jose Sua

Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties and confers no

[] On Behalf Of Jan Bottorff
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 4:44 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] TraceView on W2k3 sp1 checked

I got around to using WPP tracing with traceview on my current driver,
and see traceview spits out many messages when running on the full
checked build of the OS. Many messages are from comctlv6 saying fun
stuff like:

comctlv6 RIP: ListView: Invalid iSubItem: 2089014700

comctlv6 RIP: ListView: Invalid iSubItem: 2089014700

comctlv6 RIP: HDM_GETITEM: Invalid item number 8

comctlv6 RIP: LVM_GETCOLUMN: Invalid column number 8

comctlv6 RIP: HDM_GETITEM: Invalid item number 8

It sounds like I can have nice tracing in my driver OR I can debug under
the checked build, but not both. Am I the only person who finds it
attractive to run an OS that automatically finds many bugs?

DbgPrintEx sounds really attractive again.

  • Jan

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