I've seen a couple of tools that skips minifilters/filter manager and directly send I/O request packet to base file system (NTFS). These tools create their own IRP set major function as IRP_MJ_SET_INFORAMATION, set information class as FileDispositionInformation and get device object using IoGetBaseFileSystemDeviceObject for a file object associated with a file to be deleted. Then, they trigger IoCallDriver to pass IRP directly to NTFS skipping minifilters/filter manager
Before they create IRP, they also closes all the handles associated with the file they are trying to delete.
In this way they completely skip filter manager and any minifilters that are trying to prevent files from getting deleted. Is there any way that I can prevent this type of activity done by these tools. These tools are exclusively used to perform BYOVD/BYOM attacks.
I've tried class disk driver and they won't help as they sit much more below file system. They won't even receive IRP as NTFS has already marked the space as reusable in MFT.