Timers in IM Driver

i ahev to create one timer function that will be used in my intermediate
driver., that timer should execute upto the given time and it should execute the
call back function at the elapse. i ahve done usinmg thread functions, but i
heard that i should not use windows related functions or os related functions.

i need any referenece for usage of timers in network device driver or any
example toi implement the timer.

i have searched the timer functions in ndis level, buts its all usesin miniport
driver level.

thanks ,
balaji s

I use NdisWaitEvent with a timeout that then calls NdisQueueIoWorkItem to do the timed functions I need.

Larry C

Your IM driver *is* a miniport driver.

It is also a protocol driver.

You can use the Miniport Timer functions if your timing activity is ‘per
miniport’ (virtual adapter). If you need a driver global timer, you can use
regular NDIS timers.

If you require passive level execution of whatever it is your timer is
triggering, the timer handler would typically schedule a work item.

Be aware that NDIS does not provide too much help with work items and timers
when it comes to making sure your miniport driver does not unload until all
the timers & work item callbacks have completed. You need to handle that
yourself (usually with reference counting and events).

Good Luck,
Dave Cattley

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From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
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Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:46 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Timers in IM Driver

i ahev to create one timer function that will be used in my intermediate
driver., that timer should execute upto the given time and it should execute
call back function at the elapse. i ahve done usinmg thread functions, but i

heard that i should not use windows related functions or os related

i need any referenece for usage of timers in network device driver or any
example toi implement the timer.

i have searched the timer functions in ndis level, buts its all usesin
driver level.

thanks ,
balaji s

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