The UAC Setting influence the driver based on WDM and WDF

Hi all,

I have a serial port driver based on WDF and when i try to open the serial port with Hyper Terminal in Win7 32bit OS ,it pops up a dialog message “Another program is using the selected telephony device, Try again after the other program completes” . i am sure that i didn’t ever open the com port . and then i lower down the UAC setting, it runs correctly that the serial port can be open normal by Hyper Terminal.

For comparison , i higher up the UAC setting , and use the usbser.sys that created by MS as the serial port driver. it runs well with Hyper Terminal .

it looks like the usbser driver(WDM) might not be influenced by UAC setting ,and the serial driver that based on WDF would, the WDF serial driver require a administrator privilege.

Is the problem of the WDF ? or i should create the driver/device in my code that not ask the user has the administrator privilege , and how could i do that ? it seems nowhere to be setting .

I think you need to use proper security settings for your devices, see or search for SDDL
and WdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString.


Which bus driver enumerated the pdo for the serial port? Usbhub or your own custom kmdf bus driver?


debt from my phone

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:48 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] The UAC Setting influence the driver based on WDM and WDF

Hi all,

I have a serial port driver based on WDF and when i try to open the serial port with Hyper Terminal in Win7 32bit OS ,it pops up a dialog message “Another program is using the selected telephony device, Try again after the other program completes” . i am sure that i didn’t ever open the com port . and then i lower down the UAC setting, it runs correctly that the serial port can be open normal by Hyper Terminal.

For comparison , i higher up the UAC setting , and use the usbser.sys that created by MS as the serial port driver. it runs well with Hyper Terminal .

it looks like the usbser driver(WDM) might not be influenced by UAC setting ,and the serial driver that based on WDF would, the WDF serial driver require a administrator privilege.

Is the problem of the WDF ? or i should create the driver/device in my code that not ask the user has the administrator privilege , and how could i do that ? it seems nowhere to be setting .

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Which bus driver enumerated the pdo for the serial port? Usbhub or your own
custom kmdf bus driver?

Not my own bus driver, but the MSFT’s USBHub.
i just developed the serial port driver.

I think you need to use proper security settings for your devices, see or search for SDDL
and WdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString.

UAC would be not the security feature , and i correct this sentence “the WDF serial driver require a
administrator privilege.” for i already have the administrator privilege .

and i try to avoid the UAC setting influence the application behavior to visit my driver based on WDF