the rules for setup items in registery for installing and running driver on W2k?


what are the rules for setup items in registery for installing and running drivers on W2k? i greped through DDK, however i just can get part of them.what are really the rules, which registery items are the neccesary, which are not, which registery keys hold information for common information for device, which hold sepecific to certain device,how and when those keys under enum key and hardware key setup.
any boy give me information in details, or where i can get results?
thanks in advance.



>are not, which registery keys hold information for common information for

device, which hold sepecific to certain device,how and when those keys

IIRC (I can be a bit wrong):


(HKLM\Enum.… on Win9x, HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum.. on w2k)
where “bus”, “device” and “instance” are PnP IDs for the device returned by
the driver, is the “device registry key” specific to the device instance.
Driver can use it to store its parameters there.
This key is created by PnP after the bus driver’s PDO responded to
MN_QUERY_ID and before sending MN_START_DEVICE to your driver. Some default
device registry key values are set there by PnP. I have a strong feeling
IoGetDeviceProperty just reads them - at least for some properties.


is the “driver registry key” which can be used to store global driver
parameters not specific to the device instance.

IIRC the driver’s key is created by INF execution. It contains the PnP ID
for the device and the driver service (or binary on Win9x) name. PnP scans
all class keys for a matching device ID after the PDO responded to
MN_QUERY_ID. This is necessary to find a driver binary to load.
